Made in Ukraine
Welcome to the Jungle!

Welcome to the Jungle!

Some of the team are currently working on adding more jungle into the game - take a look at this screenshot of the starting location in the tropics.

We have realised that the continents on the current world map are too small for intensive player-player interactions such as alliances or trade.  We do however feel that it is big enough to fit the new alpha 3 testers successfully as long as we  provide more space.  We have therefore decided that we are going to unlock another climate zone for players to start in.

The  team has decided that the tropics seem like  the best  choice as it will move  both the Northern and Southern inhabited zones closer together, which is why we  have started work on the tropical maps. You can see some of our progress in the picture above.  We have also redesigned the  tutorial location and hopefully the rest wont be long coming together.

Sorry for the lack of  updates and news lately. For the past few months I have  been really swamped with boring tech stuff while  the rest of the team have been making  good progress towards the Classical Age as well as putting together other features that we have planned for alpha 3. Our update rate will slow down for now as it is hard to add new features while  also fixing any outstanding bugs, so for the moment some bug fixes have been postponed.

10 years ago

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Me too... Its been MONTHS since the last "You can play soon" message... this is really annoying.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I love it! Not many bugs, loads of interesting quests and other TT features. You guys are the best! 

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

hi i need to  test of this game can u add me



and thx !!

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
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