Made in Ukraine

Anyone motivated to start a serious wiki ?

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Sure the game is far from finished, but it would be good if a serious wiki was started now so when the game comes out there won't be 3 or more wiki made by some people trying to leech a few pennies with ads, because like for backyard monsters you have to check all the wikis in order to get some infos. It's also annoying in first place to find which wiki is the most complete one, like for "faster than light". So if one is started right now, it would be known and with a lot of content so no one could compete with it.

So, it needs a real server, that is, available 24/24 7/7 if possible and not being 404 one day. While the game is far from finished, a lot can be written safely in it already, categories about units/buildings/ages etc, and even unit stats since they just have to be changed should they change.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I'll help with information I know if it ever comes out.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

This has already been discussssed and it is way to early. Unless you have tons of time to keep it up to date. The tweaks still happen often. Plus why not do it yourself if you want it?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I don't think you need a server. You can use like most of the good game-related wiki do. The problem is amount of effort to maintain it.

Edited 36 seconds later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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This has already been discussssed and it is way to early. Unless you have tons of time to keep it up to date. The tweaks still happen often. Plus why not do it yourself if you want it?

That's why I talk about just the things that are unlikely to change, just like, an entry for each units/buildings even if the pages stay empty for a few years. I ask this because maybe one player already has some past with game wikis and thus can do things way faster and with more ease than myself.

I saw wikia already but I didn't know if it was just a software or actual servers, is it stable ? Apart from the invasion of ads, I think I saw something bad about it.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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This has already been discussssed and it is way to early. Unless you have tons of time to keep it up to date. The tweaks still happen often. Plus why not do it yourself if you want it?

That's why I talk about just the things that are unlikely to change, just like, an entry for each units/buildings even if the pages stay empty for a few years. I ask this because maybe one player already has some past with game wikis and thus can do things way faster and with more ease than myself.

I saw wikia already but I didn't know if it was just a software or actual servers, is it stable ? Apart from the invasion of ads, I think I saw something bad about it.

Well, i googled "Totem Tribe 2 wiki" and it seems there is already one, it hasn't got anything, only the first page

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I plan on doing one on the TT II: Juton FB page.  Players will be able to access it via the page notes.  However it will be fairly basic, so  if someone wants to do a more in-depth wiki I can add a link to it on the FB page.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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That's why I talk about just the things that are unlikely to change, just like, an entry for each units/buildings even if the pages stay empty for a few years. I ask this because maybe one player already has some past with game wikis and thus can do things way faster and with more ease than myself.

I saw wikia already but I didn't know if it was just a software or actual servers, is it stable ? Apart from the invasion of ads, I think I saw something bad about it.

Well, i googled "Totem Tribe 2 wiki" and it seems there is already one, it hasn't got anything, only the first page

Indeed. Anyone know who made it ? We just need to be sure it's someone serious that wouldn't delete it one day or make no moderation effort. Otherwise it's fine to develop this one, the name "tt2.wikia" is quite likely the best too.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Indeed. Anyone know who made it ? We just need to be sure it's someone serious that wouldn't delete it one day or make no moderation effort. Otherwise it's fine to develop this one, the name "tt2.wikia" is quite likely the best too.

I think it may have been Knutis that started the wiki.  You should PM him and ask.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

No it wasn't me, like i said i just would do something with permission of berserker. Till now i don't met him and talk about a wiki.

I also don't like wikis at 3th party-webspace (you never know what happens there, maybe something happen and all work was gone, (sadly happens with gunrox-wiki))

I would prefer a wiki at tt2-domain so maybe bers could bind the accounts there, maybe just a few player will have the right to add/edit/delete something and so they don't lose control over there. He also could hide them till it is released or we could can integrate the game news, or links from the game to related sides on wiki or something like this. So they would need a additional ingame help. But if he like other solutions like its also ok. So i just need an account there and access.

At least my english isn't the best for something like this, I just could do the base of the pages and i need somebody for spellchecks, i also could do some german translations but nothing else.

Im not sure how much time i can spend to create something, at moment beside reallife, work and other projects i like to play gunrox again and spend some time to watch the fakers there. Seems old gunrox-community needs a mod again.

Edit: i was searching for a tt2-wiki but i found nothing. Just a normal tt-wiki at with just a few pages but nothing important.

Edited 16 minutes later by *DELETED*.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I will be more than happy to do any editing if the wiki is set up.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I also could help just have no time for all out creation.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I also could help just have no time for all out creation.

also as far as I know we have still not been authorized to post screenshots anywhere. We were all told that only Bers should post screenshots unless it was for a bug report

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I will also edit :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I think it is a great idea, but I am not experienced in the least with wiki. I do think there should be something posted somewhere about how to add friends in the game. I have added all of you, if you do not add me then we can't help each other. If you do not, then I will never ever know, which is a good thing too. no feeling of rejection. 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

I would prefer a wiki at tt2-domain so maybe bers could bind the accounts there,

Unfortunately doing so would required time and effort to install the necessary software, keeping it up to date, making regular backups etc. and this will mean time spent on that is less time spent of the game itself. At this stage I prefer to focus on the game. Maybe later when the game will be more stable we will spend some time on that.

Anyway people should start with 3rd party wiki like on to proove how serious they are about it. It could turn out that the motivation will fall apart when faced with real work.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Ok, how about the name and domain?

Totem Tribe 2 Jotun
or something else...

I would prefer:

Name (.... Wiki)
Totem Tribe 2 Jotun (Wiki)
because of fullgame name (if you search for its easier to find)

Domain (...
as short as possible to remember the name without forgetting special letter

But maybe you would prefer other name.

edit: Oh now it seems somebody start a wiki there

Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Hello everyone, I created a long time ago, but feel free to edit it. The idea came when I saw some people saying (at the in-game chat) that the game needed a wiki back in alpha 2, so they asked me to create one.

I didn't really edit anything because some people told me that Berserker didn't want any info (or screenshots) to be leaked before "open testing", so I decided to wait for that "open testing".

Edited 12 minutes later by *DELETED*.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

So can you give me some advantage status there. Same Name as here: knutistgut

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

So can you give me some advantage status there. Same Name as here: knutistgut

Just added you to the rollback group, but keep in mind that any member can edit, so, nobody really needs any special rights. (Berserker and the other developers are going to be added to the admin group if they ever join the wiki)

Is there a reason why you'd want admin status? I'd be glad to add trusted people who can help with the wiki.

Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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