Made in Ukraine

Continent without wars

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Many strong players have already reached tanks, cruisers and secret agents. And they happily cut out those who tried to develop peacefully. This leads to the fact that players begin to leave the game.

***:  i will not put anymore money into this game (300+) i will be done with game..

***: I'm out of here - games are suposed to be fun. This isn't!

To which the leaders of strong alliances respond:

*** Now we will enjoy the war.

I would not want to stop them from enjoying))) But let's think about those players who are willing to pay money and at the same time want to play peacefully and without wars.

Open the second continent to relocate there those players who do not want to fight. Prohibit war on it, it can be done by simply disabling the attack buttons. Let the players on the second continent build their own countries, agree with each other, defeat the culture or wealth, perform quests. And they pay developers for the pleasure of the game.

And on the first continent will remain lovers of war. And let them win the strongest)))

You can still keep the outgoing players. Invite them to move already developed heroes to another continent.

Of course, it would be very good if such a choice of the continent was from the very beginning, when creating a hero. Abenia is a continent where wars are permitted. And, what is there in our east? Olanion is a continent where wars are prohibited.

Think about those players who want to pay you, but do not die under the caterpillars of the tanks.

Edited 1 minute later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago
The same text in Russian

Континент без войн

Многие сильные игроки уже добрались до танков, крейсеров и секретных агентов. И принялись радостно вырезать тех, кто пытался мирно развиваться. Это приводит к тому, что игроки начинают покидать игру.

***:  i will not put anymore money into this game (300+) i will be done with game..

***: I'm out of here - games are suposed to be fun.  This isn't!

На что лидеры сильных альянсов отвечают:

*** Now we will enjoy the war.

Не хотелось бы мешать им наслаждаться ))) Но давайте подумаем и о тех игроках, которые готовы платить деньги и при этом хотят играть мирно и без войн.

Откройте второй континент для переселения туда тех игроков, которые не хотят воевать. Запретите на нем войны, это вполне можно сделать, просто отключив кнопки атаки. Пусть игроки на втором континенте строят свои страны, договариваются друг с другом, побеждают культурой или богатством, выполняют квесты. И платят разработчикам за удовольствие от игры.

А на первом континенте останутся любители войн. И пусть у них победит сильнейший )))

Еще можно удержать уходящих игроков. Предложите им переезд уже развитыми героями на другой континент.

Конечно, было бы очень хорошо, если бы такая возможность выбора континента была с самого начала, при создании героя. Abenia – континент где войны разрешены. И, что там у нас на востоке? Olanion – континет, где войны запрещены.

Подумайте о тех игроках, которые хотят вам платить, но не умирать под гусеницами танков

Edited 1 minute later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago

Develpors, it's time to get your act into gear. fantakt is in my alliance and I completely agree with him. 

This is my alliance's (Day of Three Leaders, previously Bouncyorangecats) attack log from the past 5 days ALONE.

You'll have to visit this link, which will show you 5 images of the attack log.

But enjoy Berserker, because alot of people are gonna quit your game more then likely.

Edited 20 seconds later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago

I would love to join such server as any serious war will literally ruin my game (and probably many players will lose the will to ever come back to Totem Tribe II).

I know that this will make walls and towers pointless which are important part of game design but what about some sort of barbarians attacking players from time to time?

I guess this all will take a while to implement but will make a lot of players much more happy.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Less radical idea - how about some new mechanics to help weaker players?

1. The further away from the east coast players are - the newer they are. Think in this way. Possibly here is any not too weird way to use this for making attack harder or more expansive.

Edited 6 minutes later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago
Reply to

Less radical idea - how about some new mechanics to help weaker players?

1. The further away from the east coast players are - the newer they are. Think in this way. Possibly here is any not too weird way to use this for making attack harder or more expansive.

This has been done and is actually in effect, any player that is 30 days younger cannot be attacked. A player 30 days younger is quite a few cells west of the already-developed players.

I do not know how many times I have explained to new players how important defense is in this game. But defense costs building speed and culture so they choose not to use it. Then ... low and behold! complain because they cannot defend themselves.And then again and again and again ask to have the game changed in their favor instead of changing their play style.  This game is not easy. It requires a certain play style to succeed .. learn it. There are so many forum help posts that teach this. A well-built despot can successfully attack another player, however a well built collect will be successful in warding off those attacks. repeated and repeated and repeated.  

Edited 2 minutes later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago

100% support peaceful continent idea. Collects can develop and enjoy through questing and building and still get a sense of achievement. Despots can develop and enjoy through questing and  war with other like minded players. I would happily donate (albeit small amounts as that is all I can afford) to develop my gameplay but I am not prepared to donate to a game that I spend hours playing for it all to be destroyed. There should be room for all to enjoy. I have played other games where this has worked really well with a 'wilderness' area that players can choose to enter and fight player vs player ..... or not and live a peaceful happy questing life entering into battles with game generated enemies as and when they feel prepared to do so.

6 years ago
6 years ago
Reply to Anonymous

100% support peaceful continent idea. Collects can develop and enjoy through questing and building and still get a sense of achievement. Despots can develop and enjoy through questing and  war with other like minded players. I would happily donate (albeit small amounts as that is all I can afford) to develop my gameplay but I am not prepared to donate to a game that I spend hours playing for it all to be destroyed. There should be room for all to enjoy. I have played other games where this has worked really well with a 'wilderness' area that players can choose to enter and fight player vs player ..... or not and live a peaceful happy questing life entering into battles with game generated enemies as and when they feel prepared to do so.

This will not happen. Please learn the game and all that is given to you for defense in order to enjoy your peaceful play. 

6 years ago
6 years ago

Simba, why not make an experiment? Agree with the Dragonraiders, Black Flag is too strong, let them attack your city with the alliance. And we'll see how you repulse)))

Edited 30 seconds later by .
6 years ago
6 years ago
Despots are expected to reject any idea )))In many games there is a safe zone where a peaceful player can safely evolve. Here, even moving to the western edge of the continent does not guarantee security.
6 years ago
6 years ago

These issues have been discussed on forum over and over dozens of times, but looks like players are not willing to use search to find answers, therefore I went ahead and created a FAQ and single thread on such issues to keep everything in one place:

6 years ago
6 years ago
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