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minor anomaly help

1. How do I get to the chest midway across the river? I built the first wade, but can't find a place to cross to the second side. I've clicked every spot on that river over and over and OVER trying to find another wade spot and I have almost 1700 stone there and I've been trying for DAYS now.

2. Two rocks "look movable". How do I move them?!

I'm Classical age, with chisel, stone scythe, archaeology tools, Mining is researched, am I missing a tool? Not in the right age? 

I do already have the Precursor Bit, but I need the last key and maple leaf 

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

You shouldn't need to build any wades in Minor anomaly - there is one wade just south of where you dug for the precursor bit, and it's already filled in. From there you can just walk to the chest.

One maple leaf and one key are behind moving rocks. To move them, you need to move your hero close to it. The rock will start vibrating and then you can click on it to move it.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Thank you. Now I feel... stupid. A case of trying so hard that I couldn't see the easy. 

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

"...One maple leaf and one key are behind moving rocks. To move them, you need to move your hero close to it. The rock will start vibrating and then you can click on it to move it......"

Spend two day to go thru every single movable rock but don't see the last leaf or either the last Key....????? Do I am stupid and blind enough!!!! Please give me a hint of which direction need to look over.....

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

«... Один кленовый лист и один ключ находятся за движущимися камнями. Чтобы переместить их, вам нужно переместить вашего героя поближе к нему. Камень начнет вибрировать, и вы можете щелкнуть по нему, чтобы переместить ... "

Потратьте два дня, чтобы пройти через каждый подвижный камень, но не увидите ни последнего листа, ни последнего ключа .... ????? Неужели я тупой и достаточно слеп !!!! Пожалуйста, дайте мне подсказку, в каком направлении нужно смотреть ...

На самом деле камни, которые могут вибрировать, выделяются среди других камней , можно подвести к ним героя и понажимать на них)

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote