Mobile phone - text only guides
I only have a cheap phone, that won't run the game, so I would like to ask those that do play on phones or other mobile devices, what is most useful, to include in a guide.

1. What do you use your device for, everything or only setting builds and research?  

2. Would you look for a guide, while using device, or would you wait until you got home and use your PC?

3. Data usage:- guides need to be small, compact, precise and "scalable", so text only, no pictures?

4. Some sort of "quick link" needed?  Or is "bookmark" available to you?

5. Do they need their own section, in forum, like with "bugs", "discussions" and "general chat".

Also "player guide to:-" could also use it's own section, which would also help mobile users.

P.s.  Dear Bers, until such time as a new forum arrives, maybe a couple of small tweaks, would make the existing one, more user friendly?

I will work on making the tutorial guides into text only and add them to this thread, as and when they are ready.

Edited 4 minutes later by . Reason: missed some, written in and copied from wordpad..
1 year ago Quote