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Отзыв об альфе

Спасибо, что пригласили поучаствовать в альфе, не нашел как написать Берсерку в личку, так что пишу тут. У вас в игре довольно странные механики, когда в данном типе игр уже все обкатано и отработано. К примеру обычно хелпа в постройке от соклановца отнимает 1% времени постройки и можно получить не более 30 раз на постройку, запросы на хелп скапливаются в ненавязчивую вкладку, когда тебе удобно зашел туда и прожал всем сразу кто просил. Далее когда зданию до завершения апгрейда остается 5 минут его можно завершить бесплатно, это время в 5 минут можно увеличивать прокачкой или донатом. Вот эти базовые механики у вас работают наоборот, таким образом, что после нескольких запросов помощи с вылетом сообщения на главное окно друга, тебя просто удаляют из друзей, а -5 минут у постройки в 10 часов погоды не делают, так что помощью просто никто не пользуется. Это уже психологически отработанная механика, смысл в том чтобы, активный игрок имел возможность быстро развиваться, ему было интересно и он мог бы в затылок дышать донатерам, донатерам же нужна большая масса людей с кем играть и над кем издеваться, больше людей - больше донатеров. Вы сделали весь упор в игре на донатеров, простому игроку чтобы оставаться в игре нужны положительные эмоции. Клановкий подарок за донат, открыть нельзя, каждая постройка увеличивает время следующих построек, юниты которых строил несколько часов убегают из армии, джекпот в рулетке за 20 раз ни разу не выпал, кузнецу раз 10 давал задание сделать артефакт, ни разу не сработало, прокачал 5 лвл treasure hunt, и нашел тулсы 2-ого лвла, но герой постоянно занят хождением туда сюда (у меня water anomaly и spider forest стоят в соседних клетках и в 20 минутах ходьбы от базы, это жо.. ходить туда обратно часами), слежением за поставками материалов для постройки мостов в локациях, уходишь спать, ставишь героя на лвлап, так что за 5 дней всего 3 раза удалось капнуть раскопки 2 лвла по три часа каждая и ВСЕ! неудачно. За любое движение в Карфари садят в тюрьму, за месяц игры 10 раз сидел точно. хотел дать 10000 металла в 3-ем городе на эйфелеву башню, прокачал до максимума хранилище, убил кучу блупринтов, а оно не вмещает 10000 %). Ну и много всяких таких вещей, которые старался делал, а в конце облом. Есть какой-то рассинхрон, я в середине римской эпохи, большая часть армии вообще из каменного века, а монстры респауняться очень мощные, один раз подерешься, весь день армию восстанавливаешь, все шмотки и оружие падают из ренессанса. Еще баг какой-то зачищаю феррал трайб, лут не беру, потому что нужно переодеться на +10% от поднимаемых бутылок ресерча, всех убил, отправил армию домой чтобы еду не жрала, переоделся, а весь лут в локации пропал. В общем вышло так, что абсолютно все действия в игре вызывают негативные эмоции. Далее в играх такого типа, противнику можно уничтожить оборону и армию и забрать ресурсы, но не снести подчистую, сейчас снесли чела, он сваливает из игры. В итоге получается, что десятки тысяч юнитов индустриальной эпохи нападают на беззащитные средневековые города, скука и для донатеров. У вас получилась очень странная концепция игры в общем, первый ТТ был классной самостоятельной игрой и ждал я продолжения именно его, а такого типа ммо, где нужно каждое здание строить после предыдущего, на компьютере играть никто не будет, а на сотке невозможно играть в кликер. Я хз, вы уже наверно лет 10 делаете эту игру, посмотрите как делает игры IGG - берут лучшие моменты из игр конкурентов, собирают их за год в новую игру для сотки и гребут лопатой миллиарды.

Edited 10 minutes later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote


6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Sorry couldn't even translate this,  but it looks like it must have been a good post.... maybe

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

this is what I got from google translate

Thank you for being invited to participate in the alpha, I did not find how to write Berserk in a personal, so I'm writing here. At you in game strange enough mechanics when in this type of games already all is run-through and fulfilled. For example, usually the help in the construction of the clan takes 1% of the construction time and you can get no more than 30 times for the construction, requests for help accumulate in an unobtrusive tab when you conveniently went there and prostrated all at once who asked. Further, when the building is 5 minutes before the upgrade is complete, it can be completed free of charge, this time in 5 minutes can be increased by pumping or donation. Here these basic mechanics work for you on the contrary, so that after several requests for help with the departure of messages to the main window of a friend, you are simply removed from your friends, and -5 minutes at the construction at 10 o'clock the weather does not, so, Enjoys. This is a psychologically well-developed mechanics, the point is that the active player had the opportunity to develop rapidly, he was interested and he could have breathed donors in the nape, donators need a lot of people with whom to play and who to mock, more people are more donators. You have made all the emphasis in the game on donators, a simple player to stay in the game need positive emotions. Clan donation for donates can not be opened, each building increases the time of the following buildings, the units of which have been building for several hours run away from the army, the jackpot in roulette has never dropped 20 times, the blacksmith 10 times gave the task to make an artifact, never worked, pumped 5 Lvl treasure hunt, and found the tuls of the 2nd lvl, but the hero is constantly busy going there (I have water anomaly and spider forest stand in the neighboring cells and 20 minutes walk from the base, this is .. go back for hours), tracking For the supply of materials for the construction of bridges in locations, To sleep, you put the hero on lvlap, so in 5 days only 3 times you managed to drop 2 lvla excavations for 3 hours each and ALL! Unsuccessfully. For any movement in Carfari put in jail, for a month of playing 10 times exactly. Wanted to give 10,000 metal in the 3rd city to the Eiffel Tower, pumped to the maximum store, killed a bunch of blues, and it does not hold 10,000%). Well, there are a lot of such things that he tried to do, and at the end a bummer. There is some sort of discord, I'm in the middle of the Roman era, most of the army in general from the Stone Age, and monsters respawn very powerful, one time you'll fight, you rebuild the army all day, all the gear and weapons fall from the Renaissance. Another bug of some sort is cleaning the feral of the tribute, I do not take loot, because I need to change to + 10% of the raised bottles of the rezerv, killed everyone, sent the army home so that I do not eat food, changed clothes, and all the loot in the location disappeared. In general it turned out that absolutely all actions in the game cause negative emotions. Further in games of this type, the enemy can destroy the defense and the army and take resources, but do not demolish it cleanly, the chelas are now demolished, he dumps the game. In the end, it turns out that tens of thousands of units of the industrial era are attacking defenseless medieval cities, boredom and donators. You got a very strange concept of the game in general, the first TT was a cool independent game and I was waiting for the continuation of it, and this type of MMO, where you need to build each building after the previous one, no one will play on the computer, . I xs, you probably already do this game for 10 years, look at how IGG plays - take the best moments from the games of competitor

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

We usually do not allow non-English posts here, but since it's a good feedback about the game, I will keep it. Just continue the conversation here in English, please.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I can agree to some of those points:

- Friends building help is more annoying than helpful. Not only because it covers too little time but also because this pop-up always shows up when i have no time to respond on it - during puzzling or props hunt. It could be more effective if it would be more helpful, but for now it is more like annoying distraction for my taste.

- Roulette. Although it's just a random item generator, sometimes it is really annoying to take a coin (with a two seconds lag on a well), open the inventory, drop the coin on the idol, spin, get Devil in disguise, repeat ten times, give 10 devils in disguise to the antiquarian, receive Day of the army. Yay, fun! I guess just receiving random item from a well would be much better since zero pointless time consumption - we have plenty to do already.

- Treasure hunting. Yep, even with good stats and speedups it tends to give me nothing or lame stuff, sadly. But i already pointed out that randomization algorithms here require more work, so it's not much to add.

I also can disagree to other points:

- Active player can develop very quickly w/o donate, just look at my place at the leaderboard. And this game is constantly keeps player entertained, especially when you are curious enough to poke here and there to discover some secrets.

- "юниты которых строил несколько часов убегают из армии" - what's that, scouts? Just upgrade the building, they are cheap and quick to deploy, actually.

- There is a reason behind why you can't pick direction in quest locations - if you could, it could become invisible and invulnerable foothold for attacking or reinforcing the other players. Also, you can use flying carpet, improve hero and army speed and build a tavern for a HUGE speed up.

- Karfaree. What have you done, evildoer? :) I was in jail once, for poking the coliseum (good time to ask this - anyone, please pm me if you know how to participate in tournament, can't get this quest).

- Storage. Some quests are not supposed to be done in the early ages. 10k iron for example is for medieval mid-game, when you reach raw storage. Never waste blueprints on buildings that become obsolete, like early storage.

- Monster spawns. All monster spawns except dragons can be beaten with zero casualties by the classical army. Experiment, compose different kind of troops, use healers effectively, seek better items.

- Item drops. You will be thankful for items from future ages when you reach those ages. Space stuff is not that useful tho. :) Still, you can use all this stuff if you manage to get the -age bonus.

- "абсолютно все действия в игре вызывают негативные эмоции", "десятки тысяч юнитов индустриальной эпохи нападают на беззащитные средневековые города, скука и для донатеров" - you are obviously tend to dramatize, mate. If it is so negative, why are people playing it - why are you playing it for a month? Sure, you've highlighted some problems, but most of those are from lack of your experience, not a game design flaw. Why use "tens of thousands industrial units" on "defenseless medieval village", why it was defenseless in the first place? If you point up excessive aggression from one kind of players, why not also point out that other people won't even try to protect themselves (not just build up a wall and a few towers, but organize an alliance army in face of an enemy threat). Sure, ganging up and using overkilling amount of troops against single player is not a good thing, and i don't care if "it is an alliance game, we're fighting accordingly" - challenge should meet adequate response, otherwise it's not a war but a child abuse. But i've also met way too many players that don't want to do anything even in face of impending doom - "i don't want to waste culture", "the building malus is too high", "i don't need army". If you don't want to protect yourself and - more importantly - protect your allies, you are no better than player killers.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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I can agree to some of those points:

- Roulette. Although it's just a random item generator, sometimes it is really annoying to take a coin (with a two seconds lag on a well), open the inventory, drop the coin on the idol, spin, get Devil in disguise, repeat ten times, give 10 devils in disguise to the antiquarian, receive Day of the army. Yay, fun! I guess just receiving random item from a well would be much better since zero pointless time consumption - we have plenty to do already.


I totally disagree the idol is a waste. I use it and like it very much.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to

I can agree to some of those points:

- Roulette. Although it's just a random item generator, sometimes it is really annoying to take a coin (with a two seconds lag on a well), open the inventory, drop the coin on the idol, spin, get Devil in disguise, repeat ten times, give 10 devils in disguise to the antiquarian, receive Day of the army. Yay, fun! I guess just receiving random item from a well would be much better since zero pointless time consumption - we have plenty to do already.

I totally disagree the idol is a waste. I use it and like it very much.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the idol is a waste itself. I'm saying that all that routine with well and inventory is a needless waste of players time. If we would get the item directly from the well - we would lose nothing. But yes, it's just my opinion.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to

I totally disagree the idol is a waste. I use it and like it very much.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the idol is a waste itself. I'm saying that all that routine with well and inventory is a needless waste of players time. If we would get the item directly from the well - we would lose nothing. But yes, it's just my opinion.

Your proposal would make sense if you can only get lucky coins from the well and if you can only spend them in the idol, but there are many places where you can get the coins (shop, quests), and also numerous places where you can spend them apart idol (quests too, etc), hence the separation.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the idol is a waste itself. I'm saying that all that routine with well and inventory is a needless waste of players time. If we would get the item directly from the well - we would lose nothing. But yes, it's just my opinion.

Your proposal would make sense if you can only get lucky coins from the well and if you can only spend them in the idol, but there are many places where you can get the coins (shop, quests), and also numerous places where you can spend them apart idol (quests too, etc), hence the separation.

Sure, but this makes them a part of random consumable drop. Which is what idol is all about in the first place.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the idol is a waste itself. I'm saying that all that routine with well and inventory is a needless waste of players time. If we would get the item directly from the well - we would lose nothing. But yes, it's just my opinion.

As a non-donator player ( like you said you are)  you get 1 coin by day from the well and if you're lucky you can have 1 or more from monsters/, honestly that routine 1 or 2 times by day cant take off too much of your time to play LOL. 

But, if you're buying coins from the shop and you're spinning the wheel douzens and douzens times by day it's your personal choice, dont blame the game for that...

Maybe you didnt noticed yet, but all the idols operations can be skip now, reducing a lot the time spend there.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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As a non-donator player ( like you said you are)  you get 1 coin by day from the well and if you're lucky you can have 1 or more from monsters/, honestly that routine 1 or 2 times by day cant take off too much of your time to play LOL. 

But, if you're buying coins from the shop and you're spinning the wheel douzens and douzens times by day it's your personal choice, dont blame the game for that...

Maybe you didnt noticed yet, but all the idols operations can be skip now, reducing a lot the time spend there.

First, it's 4x strategy combined with rpg and quest, and this genre mix is full of routine and micromanagement itself, so any more needless actions are generally bad because they are distracting player and taking time. Even when they are taking seconds, there are tons of things to do, and all of them require your attention and your time. This is basic game design.

Secondly, even if i used enkord cash, i would never spend it on coins - i rarely have any good drop from the idol, even when i had big jackpot, it was full of junk items like renamers, visual size changers and ore. Still, i get plenty of coins from monster drops. And i can't just ignore them since i would eXploit every chance to get FoE, otherwise i would never see level 50 before server wipe.

And yes, i know how to skip the animations, i follow the change log and spend time to inspect the game mechanics. The question here was, why do i need to see this meaningless idol and waste time on the inventory manipulations in the first place.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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 Thanks for explaining me the game design, never thought that they were so much things to do 

As you seems to be very busy, I wont waste your precious time anymore  :-)  

Edited 22 seconds later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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 Thanks for explaining me the game design, never thought that they were so much things to do 

As you seems to be very busy, I wont waste your precious time anymore  :-)  

Just curious - why are you so nonconstructive and antagonistic from time to time? Did i offend you somehow before?

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to

 Thanks for explaining me the game design, never thought that they were so much things to do 

As you seems to be very busy, I wont waste your precious time anymore  :-)  

Just curious - why are you so nonconstructive and antagonistic from time to time? Did i offend you somehow before?

Curiosity kill the cat :P

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Just curious - why are you so nonconstructive and antagonistic from time to time? Did i offend you somehow before?

Curiosity kill the cat :P

We have nine lives for a reason. Funny enough, that actually answers my question.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote