Made in Ukraine

por favor traduzcan al espaсol

soy una nueva jugadora. el juego es muy lento y mas cuando necesito usar el traductor en cada conversacion o para poder saber que hacer en cada quest o puzzle. Los hispanosparlantes somos muy fans de este tipo de juegos pero se nos dificulta si no tenemos idea del idioma. y si a eso le agregamos lo lento que es durante los primeros dias avanzar... pues abandonan y listo. A mis 50 aсos ( bien orgullosa de ellos) tengo tiempo y paciencia para disfrutar este juego, pero no asi los mas jovenes. Espero ansiosa a que algun dia este en espaсol. mientras seguire yendo a mi ritmo con el traductor de google. Saludos desde Argentina a todos en el forum...

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Tienen planes y quieren traducir el juego a otros idiomas como el espaсol, pero desafortunadamente es un proyecto muy grande para emprender, dado que es una empresa pequeсa y no tiene un presupuesto tan alto, llevarб bastante tiempo implementarlo.

(usado traducir lo siento si no es perfecta)

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

gracias por darme esperanzas, y tu traduccion fue perfecta, agradezco el esfuerzo. seguire jugando igual tal vez logre verlo algun dia en espaсol...

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

I don't know if translating the game in more languages is a good idea, russian and german translation don't seem to have brought much players and the biggest problem is that for any new translation the game has, every new content will be added less often because it will need to be translated in more languages each time, unless it's translated imperfectly using a software. Berserker has the statistics to know if it would be a good idea, I don't.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Now I understand the fact that for you the game is (almost) unplayable without translation, but then: I listen a lot to blind people playing audio games because they cannot play almost all video games, those people would enjoy if Totem Tribe 2 was adapted to be playable for them, but that's way too much asked to the development team since it wouldn't bring enough players in the game to pay the cost unfortunately so there is no solution for them, except playing some other games. At least in your case one day you should be able to learn to read english, it's not my primary language myself but I don't regret learning it, it opens access to basically 90% of Internet. At school I was forced to also learn either German or Spanish, I didn't like it at all because I though it would never be useful to me, and 17 years later so far I can say I was right, USA through Internet made English the actual Esperanto.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I don't know if translating the game in more languages is a good idea, russian and german translation don't seem to have brought much players and the biggest problem is that for any new translation the game has, every new content will be added less often because it will need to be translated in more languages each time, unless it's translated imperfectly using a software. Berserker has the statistics to know if it would be a good idea, I don't.

por favor no se enojen los rusos o alemanes pero creo q la cantidad de gente que habla la lengua espaсola es mucho mayor que los que hablan ruso o aleman. tanto el ingles como el espaсol son los idiomas mas hablados a nivel mundial. pero bueno uso el traductor y listo. lo malo es que no siempre traduce de la forma correcta.  

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote