Made in Ukraine

Question about the analytical engine change

I though that it was no longer possible to use it in information age in order to avoid reaching the space age that isn't normally available yet, but then why was it decided to make it not work in industrial age too ? And will those changes be reverted once space age is released ?

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

It's too powerful to be used in late ages, hence the change. It will not be reverted.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Ok, though as explained in this guide , it's more psychologically better in later ages than early in fact: not only you benefit from it earlier but techs like Alphabet and Writing can take 2 or 3 days to research while you research techs in information age once or even twice per day, because, the number of points required may be higher, but by then the number of points you generate is proportionally much higher too. So in the end, you just prevented people from playing not well, which is probably a good thing but it seems that you though you were doing the opposite.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

I fail to understand why you posted this query if, as you say, you have no intention of using the engine in later ages.  From my experience, the only people complaining about the change are those that used it to gain space age, which they did to take advantage of the increased storages predominantly.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

I saw you failing to understand a few things on this forum while there was a simple explanation each time. The explanation for this one is that: I wasn't even complaining, I was just curious, that change was made following the crash of the server by someone reaching last age so I though that this change was only aimed to fix that, and thus I wondered if somehow using the engine in industrial age could still lead to a bug, and if so, if as a consequence once the actual space age would be released that change would be reverted since it will now be intended to reach space age. I was just curious, not complaining, indeed I never used an engine that late.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote