Made in Ukraine

Reporting Offensive Remarks

I have reported language I find offensive in common chat before after being told by Berserker, that it was the proper action to take.  I find however that the warnings given by the game when reporting such chat tend to make me feel like I am the criminal.  Tone it down a little,   I don't want to be upset more by making the report than by the comment I am objecting to.  

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

The more concerning part of this, imo, is that the offensive players last so long before being banned. I think it's because the devs have to go through the reports case by case. In the actual released game, how are the devs going to control the hate speech?

Edited 24 seconds later by Anonymous. Reason: imo.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I truly believe that if you are going to open the game up to the public and allow racist trolls to play the game, there really needs to be around the clock moderation.  There is no point whatsoever in having a report to moderator button if we have to wait several hours until the devs get back online to have this sort of racist hate speech silenced.    

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

The more concerning part of this, imo, is that the offensive players last so long before being banned. I think it's because the devs have to go through the reports case by case. In the actual released game, how are the devs going to control the hate speech?

That's because the devs are in different timezone and are sleeping.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to

The more concerning part of this, imo, is that the offensive players last so long before being banned. I think it's because the devs have to go through the reports case by case. In the actual released game, how are the devs going to control the hate speech?

That's because the devs are in different timezone and are sleeping.

You are going to need moderators round the clock at some point it appears.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I believe the question of moderators has been previously discussed - the devs are certainly aware of the need - and they would address the issue when the time is right.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

May I also raise the point that it is not only bad language that is upsetting but also some of the hero names.  My husband has told me that in another MMO he played, his hero name was forcefully changed by the game moderators as it was deemed unacceptable, though he was then allowed to change the name to something he preferred.  There were mechanics in place to stop offensive names being created.  

I have to say the name he chose was silly and not nearly as offensive as some of the recent new arrivals choices.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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May I also raise the point that it is not only bad language that is upsetting but also some of the hero names. 

I have changed offensive hero names numerous times to date.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to

May I also raise the point that it is not only bad language that is upsetting but also some of the hero names. 

I have changed offensive hero names numerous times to date.

Thank you Bers - I did not know that!

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote