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there are 5 or 6 extra coins in totem tribe, not meaning the totems, I have found all but 1 the man in the shop keeps telling me to keep searching. So can anyone tell me where they all are?
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#1 - Monkey Island - in the palm-trees behind mountain range
#2 - Seagull Island - near workshop
#3 - Redrock Island - at the top part of it
#4 - Witch Island - on the part of the island blocked by ice
#5 - Skull Island - on the small island in the bottom middle of the map
#6 - Frozen Vale Island - top-left part of the map
#7 - Yetti Island - bottom right of the map on small island
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thank you for the help.
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:confused:I've looked on each of the seven places listed by berserker and still can't find one of the coins. The one I am missing is the second coin spot from the left when viewing the treasure chest. Which island has this coin? Thanks. Donihan:confused:
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It's on seagull island. Take a closer look at the area near workshop... It it there among the trees.
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Thanks for the help. It was invisible and I had to click randomly around the area before it turned up. I would NEVER have found it on my own.:p
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I'm missing 1 coin (bottom row, the leftmost one). Can anyone help me out? I've looked in the areas listed but can't find it. :confused:
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I can't find the coin that is second from the right looking at the Treasure Chest. Am I correct in thinking that is the one on Frozen Vale?
Unfortunately, in most cases I can't remember which islands and where on the islands I already found coins, so I can't help other people with finding them. It's also confusing for me when I'm trying to remember where I still need to look.
Also, some of the clues that Berserker gave are still a bit vague to me. If my missing coin is the one on Frozen Vale, is it on the whole top left corner of the map or a smaller part?
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I'm missing 1 coin (bottom row, the leftmost one). Can anyone help me out? I've looked in the areas listed but can't find it. :confused:
See what berserker had explain "It's in Seagull Island" and the location is near the first 'workshop' you found, under a wood-pile.
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im missing 1 coins the most left one T_T
and i dont know which island it is, i already looked on berserker list but still cant find it.
here's the screen capture of the coins..

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It's on the Monkey Island just like my list says. It's behind mountain range.
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i saw it already thanks, but i didnt see it behind mountain see it beside it at shore!. thanks btw!
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i just wanna put one thing in and that is an easy way to get yeti island coin and that is in the market man zone in the right corner is that you can build an tower there and then you see an litle island and build another tower and then you could see the coin clearly(p.s then you dont have to wait that your scouts learn to swim)
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I'm still missing a coin too, the second from the right, the one with a hole in it? I think it's on Frozen Vale Island in the chest, but I'm missing one seashell - is there a shell guide like the gem one?
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I'm still missing a coin too, the second from the right, the one with a hole in it? I think it's on Frozen Vale Island in the chest, but I'm missing one seashell - is there a shell guide like the gem one?
Well, we have here the map of the island, with all the shells been marked.
Discussion #35
Good Luck!
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#1 - Monkey Island - in the palm-trees behind mountain range
#2 - Seagull Island - near workshop
#3 - Redrock Island - at the top part of it
#4 - Witch Island - on the part of the island blocked by ice
#5 - Skull Island - on the small island in the bottom middle of the map
#6 - Frozen Vale Island - top-left part of the map
#7 - Yetti Island - bottom right of the map on small island
The coins aren't identified; How do we know what ones we have? I am missing the bottom right two. The one with the hole and the one beside it. Can someone tell me what they are? Can the developers put a screenshot with the coins named on the site? It would probably cut down on alot of questions if the Treasure was listed and named in a pic, not just the coins. How do we find something or even know "what" we have if we don't know what its called?
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They are numbered from left to right on the treasure screen.
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OMG....thank you, thank you, thank you, I have been trying to find the last 'bleeping' coin all 'bleeping' day, would never have found if i hadn't read this thread!!! :D
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It's on the Monkey Island just like my list says. It's behind mountain range.
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