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End of Act I: The Secret Library Released

End of Act I: The Secret Library Released

After all these years we are now releasing the Secret Library - final quest location which completes story arc of Act I: the Jack of Swords of Totem Tribe II: Jotun.

I hope we have managed to make it unique and not too similar to other areas already present in the game so let us know if we have succeeded in that regard.

For more info on the Secret Library see the previous news post.

Let us know what you think about this quest location. Detailed feedback is essential for us to determining how important those story locations are for the players and whether we should focus on them or on something else.

Please post first impressions in the comments here and fill up the detailed survey when you beat it.

Also let us know what should we focus on next:

  1. A new victory type
  2. A set of random quest locations like mines and dungeons.
  3. Next story location in Act II
  4. Fixing bugs and other problems
  5. Something else / Your suggestion.
4 months ago


Maybe I will make more comments later, probably not, for now I just wonder: how did you manage to make new artworks without your artist ?
4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

Don't underestimate me. First couple of games I have made completely on my own, including artwork :)

Edited 18 seconds later by .
4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

That's what I though it could be, but I didn't know you could be good enough for that, I mean for creature habitats and ruins it was just recycling old artworks and merging them together, well done then.

For next, I'd like to see either space age or expansion victory, it's a bit hard to know which one I'd prefer because of unknown factors: maybe space age would be much longer to be created, maybe you can't go as far as making the artworks yourself, maybe it's not that interesting and spending months from stone age to reach it would be disappointing, and I don't know what expansion victory is about other than just getting many cells also, and I hope it wouldn't be broken like war victory.

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

We have more artwork than actually released in the game. The rest can be adapted existing art.

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote
Reply to

Don't underestimate me. First couple of games I have made completely on my own, including artwork :)

You tell him Bers, most of us know you are not just a pretty face :D

Thanks for all your hard work completing Act 1 :)), while I am eager to get into the library at last alas it won't be before tomorrow.

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

Keep in mind, that if you are playing the Secret Library via established hero that have beaten the ruins, chances are you are skipping some puzzles due to "advantages" you have obtained in the ruins.
Reaching the Secret Library it with a fresh hero is the "intended" way and the quest location would be longer and more complicated, because you will have to find the way to actually overcome most obstacles.

Doing it with a fresh hero should be more interesting, but might be harder in terms of puzzles, etc.

TL;DR Play Secret Library with a young hero to experience it the way it is meant to be played.

Edited 7 minutes later by .
4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

1. Nice work, thank you team ! :)

2. The achievement for completing act 1 is not working.

3. I would like a new type of victory and chapter 2 implemented   

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

Game mechanics.  

Chat tabs and reports.  Would really like in game notifications and Common chat, to be seperate tabs.  Or different colour/fonts/size.

Would like to opt out, of some reports and notifications.

Alliance, would like non urgent chat (gossip and game play questions) and War Talk (incoming attacks and outgoing attacks talk) to be seperate tabs.  Our AC has hundreds of messages a day.

Not sure how people on mobile cope, if it's already TMI (Too Much Information) on PC and desktops.

Hero gear inventory, an easier way, to dispose of surplus equipment.

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote    Having a perk, that stops your hero from fighting, is not nice.

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

Hi there;

I did this end of chapter and here is what I think :

Nice place and you did a serious work (thank you for this).

I enjoy the puzzles inside and especially the one with the paintings.

The ultimate boss is really too hard (Jack). I did several tries with a hero level 33 (195 of attack with Martial Art). My hero died 3 times with : more than 60 horsemen, 13 chariots and 30 swordmen (I died in 4 sec). I tried lonely with weapons (I died in 1 sec) and without and MA (I died in 1 sec). 

So here is what I think about this end: the final boss is really too hard to kill and tons of heroes never reach the level 50. My friends owning a hero level 50 told me it was very hard and made several tries. FInally, I guess that more than 75% of heroes will never reach this end. This extreme difficulty is really silly.

For the next step of this game, I hope we could enjoy the main story with the chapter 2 growing.

Best regards.

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

At the end of Act 1, after sphere and villian leave, a speech bubble remains to the left of sphere's location. Unable to determine why it is still there. Anyone know?

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

So here is what I think about this end: the final boss is really too hard to kill and tons of heroes never reach the level 50. My friends owning a hero level 50 told me it was very hard and made several tries. FInally, I guess that more than 75% of heroes will never reach this end. This extreme difficulty is really silly.

In the next update I will reduce his armor from 50 to 25 which should make it easier for lower tier units to fight him, thus making it more managable for lower level heroes.

Edited 24 seconds later by .
3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

Secret not working?

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote
Reply to

Secret not working?

Who said it's a secret?

3 months ago Quote
3 months ago Quote

Really cool that Act I has been finished now, what a milestone!

As for your questions on what I would like to see next:

I'd like to see creature habitats being more fleshed out/complex, with siege power etc.

I'd also like you to somewhat reconsider war vic in terms of letting defenders earn trophies also.

I'd like to see some sort of alliance project, or alliance victories even.

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

You know how much I have enjoyed the game since alpha, and you know how I regularly donate. But I implore you to increase the hero time from 150 days to something more reasonable. Like many people on the game, I work, and also have a life. I play every day (and have for years) about 4 hours a day (I've even resulted in using extraordinary measures to play while traveling, including in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). You can not deny my support and dedication to the game.

Now that you had added the monster nests that take all the time in the early development of a hero (especially with the distances) AND finally the end of Act 1, there is NO way that a player, even paying, can enjoy the game while playing 4 hrs a day. We have to deal with the imbalances in the research tree, trying to level up, keep the mobs from taking army and res (and wasting an entire day when they do), while also trying to explore the story and fulfill obligations to the alliance including helping other members and building an army for war that you wanted.  

Please rethink your position on this. I almost quit after the mob nests were introduced and I'm at that point again.  Why should I spend money and time to achieve no pleasure or success?

Please, please reconsider the 150 day limit.  Thank you.

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote
Reply to

So here is what I think about this end: the final boss is really too hard to kill and tons of heroes never reach the level 50. My friends owning a hero level 50 told me it was very hard and made several tries. FInally, I guess that more than 75% of heroes will never reach this end. This extreme difficulty is really silly.

In the next update I will reduce his armor from 50 to 25 which should make it easier for lower tier units to fight him, thus making it more managable for lower level heroes.

Jack hits 300, armour 50, health 2,000, was the armour change missed off an update?

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

There were no updates since then.

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

Moscow (prison)  Tokyo (school)    Madrid  (zoo)   Toronto (virology (vault))    lincoln  (Mall).

Not every playthrough, will have every special.  With current hero, no prison or school.  Those without virology are particularly upset, as the cannot upgrade device, without it.  I managed to get a spare part, in Lincoln (Mall), for SL quest.

I have not done the extra ruins, yet, but I don't think the specials turn up there either?

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote