Made in Ukraine
Experimental French Translation Added. More Phone Version Fixes.

Experimental French Translation Added. More Phone Version Fixes.

Today we are adding experimental machine-translated version of the game in French language. We would like our French-speaking players to evaluate it and give is a score in terms on clarity from 1 to 10.

Don't pay attention to overlapping text, this is just a quick and dirty experiment, if it would be successful, we will fix it.

Aslo this translation was done with Google Translate, but if it's ok we will redo it with DeepL which is much better online tranlsator (but costs some money). Also let us know if it is better to have this kind of translation or it's better to play in English?

Additionally this update has a lot of fixed, mainly tutorial and phone-related since our effort to make this game as smooth as possible for new players on the phone:

  • Equipment hint fixed
  • Fix:on phone when hint says you can press on resource income counter to see more info, you had to actually press on progress bar.
  • Advisor click areas increased. This is especially influental with Gromus on phone
  • Some login issues fixed
  • Fix: druid hint did not disappear after you finish his quest
  • More hints on how to return to game tab in tutorial
  • More info on how to zoom in/out in tutorial hints
  • Better hints about dragging items in tutorial
  • Fertile Bushes and Forest Outskirts are not visually stand out against gardens and Gardens more so it is easier to distinguish which ones are upgraded and which ones are not in the tutorial
  • More porminent minimap icons for Hero and Flag
  • More experience given in tutorial quests
  • Collected resources and experience now fly to correct places
  • Various interface improvements on phone here and there
1 year ago

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Adding translation on the fly in CC is an order of magnitude more complicated and expensive task than just translating static text and adding it into the game. This is not going to happen considering our team size and budget.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Alright, this time I checked everything, not in detail but good enough:

Something that obviously couldn't be auto-translated: "Apocalypse in x d" is "apocalypse dans x d", the "d" should be "j" for "jours", fortunately hours minutes and seconds start with the same letter in french.

I don't know if it's because my browser is in english (just for information, my OS is fully in french) or if you didn't translate it yet, but the page we are sent to when trying to donate should also be in french, same for the invite link.

I'm not listing all slightly wrong translations, just the most notable: "Mouscard pour animaux de compagnie" should probably be "Animal de compagnie Mouscard", but I see "Dendrog familier" (which I think should be "Familier Dendrog") so maybe "Animal de compagnie" should be replaced by "Familier" too since muscards aren't even really animals anyway, I also saw "Dragon de compagnie" which is a good option too. I see "Croix Statue" instead of "Statue de Croix", at this point I won't list all things that are "A B" instead of "B de A" or "B du A". Somehow "Opposition hideout" is once translated as "cachette de l'opposition", once as "Repaire de l'opposition".

I though it would be boring to check the whole game, but I'm having a ton of fun, and here I busted out laughing finding another "Calcul"-like: The second tab in the cash shop is normally Powerups, in french it is: "Mises sous tension" ?? It took me a while to understand, but the idea is, an engine, when you "switch it on", you "power it up" right ? Well in french when we "allume" an engine, we do the "mises sous tension du moteur" ahah. I guess the word could be "Amplificateurs", a bit long though.

For techs that lock things, instead of "Locks:" we see "Serrures" because in english it's the same word to describe the lock of a door. Should be "Verrouille:".

When typing a name that is too long, as expected the game says "Le nom est trop long", but it shows the same message if it's too short instead of "Le nom est trop court".

"Construction stocks" shows "Actions de construction", thinking that the "stocks" word is about Wall Street etc.

Haha so funny, "Well" is translated into: "Bien", since "well" also means feeling well, should be "Puit".

I couldn't see for sure yet, but I guess Bulat way of speaking would need to be translated manually, and I have no idea what it should be instead.

Very strange, perks "First aid" are translated into "PREMIERS SECOURS", right words but no idea why it went full capitals.

I know "Moscow" is somewhat "Moskva" in russian and "Moscou" in france, but still, do you think it's normal that your own name, Yaroslav Yanovsky, is, "translated" to "Iaroslav Ianovsky" in the credits ?

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I know "Moscow" is somewhat "Moskva" in russian and "Moscou" in france, but still, do you think it's normal that your own name, Yaroslav Yanovsky, is, "translated" to "Iaroslav Ianovsky" in the credits ?

I am glad you are having a lot of fun, just wait until we will release DeepL translated version later, then we could start a separate theread and Zedikus would monitor it and incorporate all reported fixes.

Current version is just not worth the effort, we just slapped it quick and dirty to see if it works as a concept. We didn't edited all those places where text overlaps or does not fit the buttons, etc.

I don't care about my name translation since neither ones are real ones. Real one is Ярослав Яновський. I have used to all kinds of transliterations on various international documents throughout my life. Even different foreign passports issued in different time periods had different transliterations lol.

Edited 2 minutes later by .
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Just an idea - for Bulat we will probably have to edit his texts to a proper English to make automated translation translate it correctly. The charm would be lost, but at least it would possible to understand.

Edited 34 seconds later by .
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to

I know "Moscow" is somewhat "Moskva" in russian and "Moscou" in france, but still, do you think it's normal that your own name, Yaroslav Yanovsky, is, "translated" to "Iaroslav Ianovsky" in the credits ?

Real one is Ярослав Яновський.

I just had fun translating that in all kind of language with google translate, it's incredible how it can lead to so many different results. So... Maybe we're calling your president "Volodimir Zelinsky" wrong since years too then lol

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote


I won't be as precise as Goz but I've noticed some weird translations too. Here for example I'm writing on a page entitled "répondre à parler", which is gibberish to me. "Répondre" is enough.

On the forum I don't understand what the "devis" button is supposed to mean.

In the game, there's something weird with some houses called "maison", which is ok, but the same house (same lv) is sometimes called "loger", which is a verb (just like house in English).

Apart from that, the translation seems clear and quite good. I'd give it an 8 or 9, given that I haven't read everything. It would be easier for a new hero starting from tutorial when there's a lot of dialogue.

As for me, I prefer playing in English since our alliance is international and English is our common language.

Thanks for the hard work! :)

PS: since we're talking translation and meaning, there's an achievement we don't understand, under War, "Don't run away: kill 10 support units". What are support units?

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to

On the forum I don't understand what the "devis" button is supposed to mean.

I translated back and it must be "Quote", should be "Citer".

Just to answer myself: On english wikipedia there isn't even the name of Ukrainian president in Cyrillic at all, I find that a bit offensive, there usually is for Japanese celebrities I think. But I found it somewhere else and indeed, translation varies here too, I sure learnt something.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

For website translation bugs you can report them already - we don't plan to  completely redo them so let us know if there is anything wrong or unclear.

Edited 5 hours, 22 minutes later by .
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to

we don't play

I guess you meant "plan", it took me some time to understand what you meant this time, you are making many typos recently, maybe you're just tired ?

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

we don't play

I guess you meant "plan", it took me some time to understand what you meant this time, you are making many typos recently, maybe you're just tired ?

Maybe I am just getting older and my brain is not like it used to be :)

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to

Adding translation on the fly in CC is an order of magnitude more complicated and expensive task than just translating static text and adding it into the game. This is not going to happen considering our team size and budget.

Understand. So, let the cc as it is but let it common, please, if possible. That would let players get a bit more opened...

As to the translation. Rigth, there are some weird stuff, but you asked for a notation, so : playable by frenchies, usually even not knowing French and used to games, I would give 8 to 9/10. It does the job. In other games, that is usually worse.

Other all translation notation, 7/10, but, I let the teachers do it, they are much better than I.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
I have this when she wants to trade me Purified Copper Ore x 5 for Purified Iron Ore x 5, maybe it has something to do about the fact that the word "besoin" is the translation of "need" that should never appear because it's not part of the conversation but part of the code ? Switching to english shows things normally.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I have this when she wants to trade me Purified Copper Ore x 5 for Purified Iron Ore x 5, maybe it has something to do about the fact that the word "besoin" is the translation of "need" that should never appear because it's not part of the conversation but part of the code ? Switching to english shows things normally.

There are a lot of such things that needs to be thoroughly checked and fixed and it will be done in our second iteration of automated translation - that one will be fixable. This one is a throwaway one just to get the general impression.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Haha so funny, "Well" is translated into: "Bien", since "well" also means feeling well, should be "Puit".

Just in case you would have fixed that: no, it should be "Puits", french is a very annoying language. I also wrote a few other anomalies in my notes that I will post as soon as there is a post for that purpose.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
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We don't have support for LTR in the game so we can't do Arabic or Hebrew

I think you meant "rtl" for "right to left", but are you even sure about that ? I saw a firework some months ago with arabian text, and in fact I struggled to know what it meant because fireworks texts are not selectable, so I tried to use ocr but there wasn't enough pixels for that, I ended up using the google translate thing where you can draw with your mouse and apparently it just meant "hello", but it would have been annoying with a longer text to draw it all.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Reply to

I guess you meant "plan", it took me some time to understand what you meant this time, you are making many typos recently, maybe you're just tired ?

Maybe I am just getting older and my brain is not like it used to be :)

How old are you ? I'm only 33 and I'm already making a lot of typos in my notes even when I slept well, and sometime I don't even notice them even after rereading twice :(

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

8/10 for the translation. But thanks. ;)

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

how long have there been no updates

9 months ago Quote
9 months ago Quote
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