Made in Ukraine
Performance Update

Performance Update

Recent updates were mostly about optimizations and performance and current one is not an exception, but we decided to explain it a little bit.

There were numerous optimizations and current update improves the overall performance of the game, which should be the most noticable on slow/old computers, especially scrolling the world map which were laggy before.

There performance updates are the results of ongoing porting of the game to different platforms and we have made a lot of success in that direction so far!

We plan to relase version of the game playable in the browser until the end of this year. That means you will be able to play the game on iMac, MacBooks, Linux, and non-Windows tablets (iPad, Android tablets, etc).

After we will release browser-based version we will focus on mobile version of the game and eventually you will be able to play Totem Tribe II: Jotun from your phones too!

Sure, it might be not as convenient as when you use large screen, but even if you use it to order a couple of buildings when you are away from home, this is still cool, right?

What do you think about upcoming browser and mobile versions of the game?

3 years ago


Very innovative to have the game on mobile. Missing the game on tours.

You can consider the game on Android phones also will be welcome

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Thanks for this update, it sounds good, but:

So, I restarted the game and unfortunately I noticed no performance improvement, I noticed just something that might have been there even before the update: when I scroll the map perfectly horizontally (not vertically or diagonally at all) using either the arrow keys or, if you put the game in full screen, hold down the cursor, move it at the bottom of the screen then go left or right, it's very smooth. But for me it's ok, the game is faster enough already since an update you made years ago.

About the browser version, I don't have a tablet but I have an android mobile and an iphone, from what I understand you didn't say it but the browser version would work too for them but would be just very small, so I don't know, on one hand until the mobile versions are out I could stop using teamviewer which forces me to keep both my phone and computer on, but on the other hand, teamviewer doesn't have the small size problem because you can easily zoom with 2 fingers, I remember using it years ago to do the garden mini game every day so it sure was more useful than just upgrading buildings.

Also, does this update fix recent reports, like invisible cook and 1962 culture limit ? The most important bug to fix would be and I guess you didn't fix it yet.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Browser version would work on phones in theory, but without interface adaptation will be unusable (buttons would be very small). In fact phone version will be based on browser version implemented as PWA. This is why we say phone version will come later, because for phone version we will have to rework a lot if interfaces (we plan to have phone version work in portrait orientation), implement zoom for game and world map, and do various other changes.

Speaking about fixes, this update impements those fixes which has been said "will be fixed in the next update" and marked as resolved. The fix on that link does not look like resolved. Culture limit and the cook - yes.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Hey Ber's nice to see you. Once you release this on Mobile, I am sure the game will be really popular. Once that is all done, since you have been working on that idea for a long long time. Will you then finish Act 1? 

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Probably yes

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Good News Amigo))

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Am having more issues now than before the update. Sometimes as I move across the screen everything but the towns disappears and cannot click on the town. Now I have "ruins of Boston" following my cursor around in both heroes. crazy. 

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to

Am having more issues now than before the update. Sometimes as I move across the screen everything but the towns disappears and cannot click on the town. Now I have "ruins of Boston" following my cursor around in both heroes. crazy. 

ok, the cursor following stopped when I reuploaded the game.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to

Am having more issues now than before the update. Sometimes as I move across the screen everything but the towns disappears and cannot click on the town. Now I have "ruins of Boston" following my cursor around in both heroes. crazy. 

ok, the cursor following stopped when I reuploaded the game.

now it is a white circle following my cursor..interesting

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

I love the idea of the game going to mobile and such, but in my opinion I think it would be more important to focus on finishing the game first in terms of victories, story and other unfinished/todo/untweaked stuff rather than shifting focus to other things like releasing a phone version for IOS and Android, I think a complete game would have a much better reception from new mobile players.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

This is one of the the best game i have ever played but only one thing that is the worst in it is it's launching time. It takes a lot of time to launch

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

что делать если у меня 4 уровень а кнопки прокачки навыков персонажа нету

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote