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Finally, we are releasing translation of Totem Tribe II: Jotun to German language. It was a large undertaking - the game text has almost 3 million characters that needs to be translated. Keep in mind that due to the fact that we are a small team with limited resources we were unable to afford translation with native speakers, we did it with local translators, thus I assume there will be quite a few grammar and stylistic issues, therefore I am counting that players who natively speak German would report those issues in the comments to this news and together we will make TT2 in German as good as it is in English. We have tested the translation visually, but still I assume there will be overlapping issues in some of those numerous screens we have in the game. Report those as well. Finally I have a question to all players who's language is not English or German about localization to their language - what if we will translate the game to your language using automated tool like which is considered quite good for an automated translator - do you think it would be worth it? Would it be better than playing the game in English? Would it make the game more accessible to players in your country? Let us know in the comments.
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Many thanks for the much work! I'll try it out and give you then feedback.
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First few things I see: Muscard marsh - here I think also the English word is wrong, a muscard looks like a mouse = Muscardinus in German 'Haselmaus'. I would more say as they look those are praying mantis, in German 'Gottesanbeterin' plural 'Gottesanbeterinnen. You can say: 'Sьmpfe der Gottesanbeterinnen' or 'Gottesanbeterinnensьmpfe' - a marsh can also be translated as 'Moor', which also fits how the location looks. Notification in cc: Der Essen-Speicher in xxxxx ist zu 75 voll. Wenn es 100 1.641657e-190rreicht, gehen alle zusдtzlichen Ressourcen verloren! Gib einige Ressourcen aus oder verbessere dien Lagergebдude. ... ist zu 75% voll. - the % sign is missing 100 1.641657e-190rreicht - es 100% erreicht - the % is missing and the other numbers don't belong there. ...verbessere dien Lagergebдude. - instead of 'dien' write 'dein' - the middle letters are mixed Instead of 'Speicher' - a storage in German = Lager, 'Speicher' is more used for which looks like a silo or tank food storage - Nahrungsmittellager or Lebensmittellager, wood storage - Holzlager
When units are trained: instead of 'bei' there should be written 'im' because it's inside, 'bei' means next to it
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Btw, Helena, in the Cash Shop the categories on top are too long to fit, but we don't know how to replace them. Perhaps you can suggest shorter words with similar meanings or abbrviations that would fit that length?
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I had crashes on mobile, reports were sent but you can ignore them because it's fixed, I just needed to clear cache. On safari this also clear history and all cookies and I don't know if there is a way to select what you deletes instead of everything (like with firefox on windows), but I personally don't mind because I use safari just for tt2 anyway.
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Few more: Reports: Deine Späher haben 4 Kachel(en) entdeckt.Nichts
Interessantes gefunden.4 von 4 Einheit(en) zurückgegeben. – Instead of ‚Shäher‘
which isn’t wrong, but sounds better ‚Entdecker‘, instead of ‚Kachel(n) is
better ‚Feld(er)‘, ‚instead of ‚entdeckt‘ may better use ‚erforscht‘, instead
of ‚zurückgegeben‘, sounds better ‚kehren zurück‘, the blanks are missing
between the sentences.
Deine Entdecker haben 4 Feld(er) erforscht. Nichts Interessantes gefunden. 4 von
4 Einheit(en) kehren zurück.
Reports: Kreaturen von Atmender Gletscher hat die Stadt
Wohnung vonXXXX von XXXXvon XXXXX angegriffen.Erfasste Ressourcen: 560 – the blanks
are missing by – vonXXXX, XXXXvon and at the end oft he sentence, instead of ‚erfasste‘
would ‚erbeutete‘ fit better.
By the names oft he dwellings ist he blank missing between ‚von‘
and the name.
The building name cabin, from how it looks it’s a ‚Rotunde‘,
the ‚Kajüte‘ is used for the cabin e.g. on a ship.
Instead of ‚gefördert‘ (promoted) should be used ‚ upgegradet‘
or ‚aufgerüstet‘ or ‚modernisiert‘, whereby the last one sounds best.
Edited 6 minutes later by Helena.
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Btw, Helena, in the Cash Shop the categories on top are too long to fit, but we don't know how to replace them. Perhaps you can suggest shorter words with similar meanings or abbrviations that would fit that length?
Ok, I'll try
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Btw, Helena, in the Cash Shop the categories on top are too long to fit, but we don't know how to replace them. Perhaps you can suggest shorter words with similar meanings or abbrviations that would fit that length?
Ok, I'll try
Speed ups – Beschleunigungen, other words Forcierungen, Tempoerhöhungen,
Temposteigerungen Power ups – Verstärkungen, other words Erhöhungen, Forcierungen,
Steigerungen Consumable – Verbrauchsmaterial, other words Verbrauchsartikel,
Konsumgüter, Konsumartikel The Synonyms are all long words, may take short terms like
the last 2 ones ‚Strategie‘ and ‚Sonstiges‘:
speed ups – Tempo, power ups – Steigerung, consumable - Verbrauch
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Good morning Bers. It would be great if you could translate into Italian too. I don't speak English,I use a translator like most of us. It's okay, but so I lose a lot of the details of the story :) If you want to translate into Italian, I can check every detail of the translation.
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First few things I see: Muscard marsh - here I think also the English word is wrong, a muscard looks like a mouse = Muscardinus in German 'Haselmaus'. I would more say as they look those are praying mantis, in German 'Gottesanbeterin' plural 'Gottesanbeterinnen. You can say: 'Sьmpfe der Gottesanbeterinnen' or 'Gottesanbeterinnensьmpfe' - a marsh can also be translated as 'Moor', which also fits how the location looks.
I would not translate the names of any dens or monsters or characters. the hero is on a different world, so it would be illogical if the words were in a known language. foreign is good! :)
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First few things I see: Muscard marsh - here I think also the English word is wrong, a muscard looks like a mouse = Muscardinus in German 'Haselmaus'. I would more say as they look those are praying mantis, in German 'Gottesanbeterin' plural 'Gottesanbeterinnen. You can say: 'Sьmpfe der Gottesanbeterinnen' or 'Gottesanbeterinnensьmpfe' - a marsh can also be translated as 'Moor', which also fits how the location looks.
I would not translate the names of any dens or monsters or characters. the hero is on a different world, so it would be illogical if the words were in a known language. foreign is good! :)
Close all locations are translated or partial translated, the point here is more that the name of the monster and the den is wrong a Muscardinus is a hazel dormouse, how the monster look it's a mantis. I never looked at the names before, just saw it now because there is written 'Sьmpfe von Muscarden' which isn't a good translation.
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Muscard is not a mouse, it's more like a fly (musca). It should not be translated probably.
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Muscard is not a mouse, it's more like a fly (musca). It should not be translated probably.
Ah, thank you, that explains it, it's a kind of hybrid of a human and a fly, looked into the internet :) Yes we should let it in this way, just write instead of 'von' Sьmpfe der Muscarden.
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Here few more words: Ore pantry – Erzbehälter, better word is Eisenlager
Diplomatic corps – Diplomatisches Korps, more common word is
Diplomatische Verbindung
Observation post – Beobachtungsstelle, better word is Beobachtungsposten
or Beobachtungsstand
Moat – Wassergraben, since there is no water, better words
are Festungsgraben or Stadtgraben
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I think using deepl for the French language will already be much more accessible for us. having already invited friends to play, I remember that the only thing that "prevents" them from enjoying the game is that it is in English. it won't be a purely correct French but at least it will be much more accessible and pleasant.
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 Not sure if and how it works with the picture option, just in case here the link By the speed up for resource production, Herstellung and Produktion means the same, if you need you can make it all the same. In the 3rd sentence is a word written in other language which I think doesn't belong there and before the brackets are the blanks missing.
Edited 46 seconds later by Helena.
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Conversation with sculptor:
Das weibliche Wesen, auf das ich mich beziehe, ist meine Muse. Ich bin der Bildhauer - derjenige, der dazu bestimmt war ihre abstrakte Essenz in Marmorfleisch zu setzen - das einzige reine Material, in dem sie es verdient verkцrpert zu werden. I made the words bold which should be changed, the sculptor is a man. Below 'Ich brauche wohl mehr Zeit, um alles zu wiegen...' the last words may change into abzuwдgen or ьberdenken
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RE: Other languages with deepl - I think it would be a good idea. I've recently come across some correspondence to clients by fellow colleagues who do not speak the target language and used deepl, and was pleasently surprised: grammar was 95% correct, so was word choice, and there were very few "oddities". I've seen a lot of amateur translation back in the day when working as a translator myself, and am still seeing human translation I would rate 7 out of 10 at best quite regularly in gaming, even with the bigger games/brands. So I don't even think machine translation would stand out too much. And I don't think people who really dig the game would mind too much, maybe (a) thread(s) could be created to point out the more important errors that create confusion where it literally influences game play/experience.
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Hi; I'm always here and ready to help to translate this game (in French) on the discord group (Vilnakraina). But unfortunately, there is no news here.
I'm not afraid to translate tons of words since I usually translate tons of software for IObit for instance.
Best regards.
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Necropolis – Nekropole, is minor, but sounds odd, there can
also be used Nekropolis
Building plant in the tech tree for the amored cars is translated
as ‚Pflanze‘ which is used for a flower, a bush etc., plant can also be translated
in ‚Werk or Betrieb or Fabrik‘. ‚Werk‘ or ‚Fabrik‘ are used for car or machine production.
‚Betrieb‘ is used for craftsmen.