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[SPOILER] Disturbed Graveyard

I have a disturbed graveyard in my town. I have no idea if I made the right decision to excavate the graves. I ended up with 2 skeletons that I defeated. However, now my army keeps leaving since they found out that I did it. Does anyone know what I can do so they stop leaving?

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

the same thing happened to me, why don't you help us Bers ?

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

this should not happen, we should fight skeletons but not to run away because of some rumors

Edited 2 minutes later by . Reason: the text was repeated by mistake.
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Each grave excavated sets off a wave of chicken troops running away, it is all part of it's spooky charm.

You will be rewarded, just retrain troops.  Unless you're chicken?   Cluck, cluck :-D

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

There's also a peacefull way to end that story. Hint: have another go at the garden puzzle ;)

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

There is more than one way to peacefully end it.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Each grave excavated sets off a wave of chicken troops running away, it is all part of it's spooky charm.

You will be rewarded, just retrain troops.  Unless you're chicken?   Cluck, cluck :-D

hey you, I have never been a chicken but maybe others are, and I have already been rewarded before posting my first comment, also I tried to put some flowers on the graves but it failed, and now the escape of my troops has stopped so I started training them again, I thought this will last forever but it is finished now

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

How do you excavate the,?

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to

How do you excavate the,?

Dig, same way you get peanuts 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

At what point will the disturbed graveyard stop chasing troops away...  I have dug up all the graves and retrain all the chicken troops when they run away, but it continues to happen day after day, several times a day.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have found 3 graveyards.  First in dwelling, 5 graves.  No garden and too soon for Thornville.  So I dug them up and had the desertations.  I moved out my best troops, beforehand.  

I had the second graveyard, Smelly, in a hop town that I demolish, so nothing happened with that one.

In a 3rd town, that I wanted to keep, had Troubled graveyard and made notes.  Only units in that town deserted, but not the ones in shelter.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

The question about how long a Disturbed Graveyard does not appear to have been answered yet, does anyone know please as my hero is now 57 days old and I dug the graveyards up and killed the skeletons as soon as I could dig because I had no garden in dwelling. Since then I have been losing a unit every so often but the area still has dust clouds so I know that today's loss will not be my last so I am wondering if there is a glitch as I have never lost units this late in the game before.

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote
Reply to

The question about how long a Disturbed Graveyard does not appear to have been answered yet, does anyone know please as my hero is now 57 days old and I dug the graveyards up and killed the skeletons as soon as I could dig because I had no garden in dwelling. Since then I have been losing a unit every so often but the area still has dust clouds so I know that today's loss will not be my last so I am wondering if there is a glitch as I have never lost units this late in the game before.

Did you dig dig dig up the dig spot? I have found that helps. 

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

Thanks Sandy Sue, I have now dug dug dug the dig site and my disturbed graveyard is cleansed :))

2 months ago Quote
2 months ago Quote

Someone mentioned priest, training one now.

Edited 21 minutes later by . Reason: posted something meant for elsewhere, no delete? So added something relevant..
1 week ago Quote
1 week ago Quote
6 days ago Quote
6 days ago Quote