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[FAQ] Suffering from massive attacks, destruction, game without war, defenses...

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I won't close this thread, because it is pointless - they will create new ones as easily, so I would rather have one this thread where posting indicates they are at least briefly glimpsed at answers in the beginning of this FAQ, than have dozens of similar threads over the forum.

Who's "they" here? The losers who are complaining about being randomly targeted and destroyed by players who do hardly anything apart from war? The losers who play this game because of the wonderful adventure and puzzles it offers? I'm very sorry but I disagree. People who get a kick from fight and destruction should play  GTA or something of that kind. This game is way too sophisticated  for bloodthirsty trolls to be able to spoil it. Please think it over.

"This game is way too sophisticated  for bloodthirsty trolls to be able to spoil it."

If you actually read back in this thread you will see name calling is not something to do. And you're correct, the game is sophisticated, But, War is a big part in this game. Just because YOU do not enjoy it does not mean that EVERYONE can't enjoy the game how they want.

Sure, there are going to be many that do not enjoy it, and there will be many that do. It is a part of this game and getting angry and emotional and repeating the same things that has been said over a dozen times IN THIS THREAD alone will not change how people play.

This is not a simple single player game, there is war, there will always be war. Instead of putting so much effort into emotions and rage, try to actually form defenses and partnerships with others to crush attackers. If you hurt attackers enough they will not return. Unless of course you have made it personal to them by calling them names...

I could continue to put how to beat multiple attackers in each one of these posts over and over on every page but I know you will still not read it, so, why bother.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

"People who get a kick from fight and destruction should play  GTA or something of that kind. This game is way too sophisticated  for bloodthirsty trolls to be able to spoil it. Please think it over. "

Some of the trolls met, they decided they don't like GTA, but recommended you pay candy crush :))

Now  I'm done with this pointless thread. I agree it will just continue to grow with some hints of good info here and there, but for the most part be pages of complaint from people unwilling to read, comprehend and learn. Which often leads to getting emotional, name calling which leads to more attacks, new posts....AGHHH  "Insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

Edited 13 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Who's "they" here? The losers who are complaining about being randomly targeted and destroyed by players who do hardly anything apart from war? The losers who play this game because of the wonderful adventure and puzzles it offers? I'm very sorry but I disagree. People who get a kick from fight and destruction should play  GTA or something of that kind. This game is way too sophisticated  for bloodthirsty trolls to be able to spoil it. Please think it over.

I didn't call anyone loosers. I was referring to the players who do not read or don't comprehend the FAQ in the beginning of this thread and still have desire to post about things that were already addressed. I suggest you to tone down your frustration and read the game and forum rules before you will be silenced:

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

i have to agree with quiet ghost.

i came back after being away from the game for several years (under a different email address and forgotten user name that i spent actual $ on) hoping that maybe you had made the game more fair to new players and players who don't want to fight, get attacked and spend all their time rebuilding instead of making progress. i have found that none of that has changed. bullies are allowed to bully unchecked. on your own about page you say:

""Casual Players Will Not Be Offended

But if you don't care about fighting other players and would like to enjoy steady expansion, trading, quests, or puzzles, you will feel right at home too. You can choose different sets of starting bonuses and drawbacks with one of them bringing beginner players a very serious defense bonus for the sacrifice of attack power. And you will keep that protection until you feel ready to interact with others, not after a small amount of time like one week.""

i am offended, i don't feel right at home.i feel like i've been made to be fodder for those who use their longevity - and therefore larger, more advanced armies - to stomp all over newer players.

how many players (and how much $) have you lost because players quit because they felt bullied and defeated...and left without comment?

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: clarity.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

In all seriousness, has anyone actually read the FAQs answered by Bers on the first page of this thread?  And then put that advice to use?  Who do you think taught me early on?  Yes, it was Bers.  :-)  If you haven't read it yet, I recommend reading page one of this thread and take notes if you have to.  A lot of things have been added to make defense stronger and actually easier to accomplish, and I say this as a despot whose armies have been wiped more than once, along with my joint attackers' armies, by a hero with a well defended town.  :-)

Edited 49 seconds later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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how many players (and how much $) have you lost because players quit because they felt bullied and defeated...and left without comment?

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Honestly you act like the 30 day rule keeps things fair, and act like it's the weaker players fault just for being weaker. What you are not taking into account is spending money, someone who spends a lot of money on the game will have a ridiculous advantage over someone who is unable to spend much money, because without spending money one can only learn new techs so fast no matter how much time they spend on the game, and i say this as someone who is able to play a lot. It would make more sense to limit it so players can only attack someone from the same tech age or one below them it would certainly make it more fair, or even adding a limit to how often a guild can attack the same player to stop the constant barrage. After being attacked twice in less than three hours, by a guild i had done nothing to or even had contact with, basically decimating my towns  it honestly makes me wonder if i even want to bother trying to rebuild.

I'm not one to whine this is my second play through and i have suffered attacks before, and the occasional attacks never bothered me. But having to deal with a relentless onslaught that destroys everything i've worked hard on building just makes me feel like i just wasted my time.

i understand the developers have a vision for the game they want to make and they think war is an important part of that but i think they should also take into account how their players are saying the want to play. A lot of us came here because of the first game and the fun of exploring and solving puzzles and we can't really do that when being attacked all the time.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Who's "they" here? The losers who are complaining about being randomly targeted and destroyed by players who do hardly anything apart from war? The losers who play this game because of the wonderful adventure and puzzles it offers? I'm very sorry but I disagree. People who get a kick from fight and destruction should play  GTA or something of that kind. This game is way too sophisticated  for bloodthirsty trolls to be able to spoil it. Please think it over.

I didn't call anyone loosers. I was referring to the players who do not read or don't comprehend the FAQ in the beginning of this thread and still have desire to post about things that were already addressed. I suggest you to tone down your frustration and read the game and forum rules before you will be silenced:

Ok, I'm sorry for getting carried away but I didn't name anyone - and sorry again if some players took it personally (I'm already getting threats and this hero is as good as dead already). There, of course, are some despotic players who respect others and fight fairly, and there are also some who don't. I'd like to know evebody know that I'm NOT speaking for my entire alliance so there's no need for punishing other players for my big mouth :).

Edited 1 minute later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Honestly you act like the 30 day rule keeps things fair, and act like it's the weaker players fault just for being weaker. What you are not taking into account is spending money, someone who spends a lot of money on the game will have a ridiculous advantage over someone who is unable to spend much money, because without spending money one can only learn new techs so fast no matter how much time they spend on the game, and i say this as someone who is able to play a lot. It would make more sense to limit it so players can only attack someone from the same tech age or one below them it would certainly make it more fair, or even adding a limit to how often a guild can attack the same player to stop the constant barrage. After being attacked twice in less than three hours, by a guild i had done nothing to or even had contact with, basically decimating my towns  it honestly makes me wonder if i even want to bother trying to rebuild.

I'm not one to whine this is my second play through and i have suffered attacks before, and the occasional attacks never bothered me. But having to deal with a relentless onslaught that destroys everything i've worked hard on building just makes me feel like i just wasted my time.

i understand the developers have a vision for the game they want to make and they think war is an important part of that but i think they should also take into account how their players are saying the want to play. A lot of us came here because of the first game and the fun of exploring and solving puzzles and we can't really do that when being attacked all the time.

Precision : you was attacked not by an entire guild, only by 2 of their members, SEPARATELY  ! 

One of them it's exclusively a non-donator player and the other one it's a small donator, so, it's not a question of money, it is also a question of skills and also it's a question of how some peoples are enjoying ALL the aspects of the game. Even if some of us choosed the war path, we are also enjoying doing puzzles , exploring caves, dungeons, mines , anomalies, monster dens  and all the other locations in the game. We are not enjoying exclusively war side , as some of you are suggesting ( wrongly) . 

Same as collect players, some despot players are very good testers of the game , discovering and reporting bugs, making also suggestions for new things to be added in the game ....devs needs peoples to test ALL the aspects of the game , and having despot players testing  war aspect will allow them to balance correctly the game, until it will be released . Dont forget the game it's still in Beta.

For your information, despot players are here also because of the first game , they are here to have fun too and they are here to enjoy also this great game !!! 

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Honestly you act like the 30 day rule keeps things fair, and act like it's the weaker players fault just for being weaker. What you are not taking into account is spending money, someone who spends a lot of money on the game will have a ridiculous advantage over someone who is unable to spend much money, because without spending money one can only learn new techs so fast no matter how much time they spend on the game, and i say this as someone who is able to play a lot. It would make more sense to limit it so players can only attack someone from the same tech age or one below them it would certainly make it more fair, or even adding a limit to how often a guild can attack the same player to stop the constant barrage. After being attacked twice in less than three hours, by a guild i had done nothing to or even had contact with, basically decimating my towns  it honestly makes me wonder if i even want to bother trying to rebuild.

I'm not one to whine this is my second play through and i have suffered attacks before, and the occasional attacks never bothered me. But having to deal with a relentless onslaught that destroys everything i've worked hard on building just makes me feel like i just wasted my time.

i understand the developers have a vision for the game they want to make and they think war is an important part of that but i think they should also take into account how their players are saying the want to play. A lot of us came here because of the first game and the fun of exploring and solving puzzles and we can't really do that when being attacked all the time.

Precision : you was attacked not by an entire guild, only by 2 of their members, SEPARATELY  ! 

One of them it's exclusively a non-donator player and the other one it's a small donator, so, it's not a question of money, it is also a question of skills and also it's a question of how some peoples are enjoying ALL the aspects of the game. Even if some of us choosed the war path, we are also enjoying doing puzzles , exploring caves, dungeons, mines , anomalies, monster dens  and all the other locations in the game. We are not enjoying exclusively war side , as some of you are suggesting ( wrongly) . 

Same as collect players, some despot players are very good testers of the game , discovering and reporting bugs, making also suggestions for new things to be added in the game ....devs needs peoples to test ALL the aspects of the game , and having despot players testing  war aspect will allow them to balance correctly the game, until it will be released . Dont forget the game it's still in Beta.

For your information, despot players are here also because of the first game , they are here to have fun too and they are here to enjoy also this great game !!! 

I never said there shouldn't be war aspects to the game I have no problem with people who want to play despot, as i have said i have been attacked before which didn't bother me to much being part of the game and all. I simply think there is a problem when someone's half of someones towns can be completely destroyed in a matter of hours because they decided that it's fair to allow someone with nukes to attack someone in the medieval age. I just think something should be done to make it so players who are attacked don't lose all their hard work while also allowing despot players to enjoy the war parts of the game.

Also i just learned monarchy while good for corruption, leaves you a sitting duck if you're attacked and allows them to completely destroy your dwelling with little effort. After what happened to my realm last night i'm not sure i'm going to bother to come back to the game, it just feels like i wasted months building and growing only to have it wiped out, maybe i'll come back later if they manage to balance the game better.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Ok, the Quiet Ghost is going to be not-so-quiet again :) .As I'm getting more experience from the game, I want to rehabilitate some of the people I accused of being "Bloodthirsty trolls" .  War is indeed an aspect of the game and can even be enjoyable. The trouble starts when certain players choose to be "destroyers". They hardly do quests or puzzles, they ignore all other things about this game but war. Fair enough, there are many ways how to play this game but the warmongers shouldn't have an advantage :)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

I personally thank you for your comments as you are providing my town names, however I disagree with you, I dont spend lots of money, I do spend lots of time, I have done the quests over and over so no dont do them all now but only because I have done them soo many times. I totally enjoy the attacking aspect, which when I first started I was totally against, I joined to do the quests. The true potential of this game is unlocked when u attack and earn trophies/achievements, however you can have just as much fun being a good defender and providing a challenge. Apart from giving me names for my towns being insulting wont get you anywhere and will make you (and ur alliance) a persistent target

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Q: I want this game to have no "war" part. (I want a separate peaceful mode or continent, etc.)

A: There are enough farm games on facebook and mobile already.  This is not a farm game and was never meant to be one. There will be no such mode, or continent or whatever. The war part will always be an integral part of the game, just like it was in original Totem Tribe. However, we tried to make the war part as smooth and accessible as possible, so it won't frustrate players too much, and we are always looking for constructive feedback on how to improve the balance. You can post your suggestions as well. Just make sure the emotional part of your feedback is minimal and you are operating with facts and not feelings.

I have spent a significant amount of money on this game,  i definetly think there should be a place i can play  in peace you would definetly get more players as i have been wiped out twice and am now considering stopping playing.Not going to start new hero spend money on upgrades etc to be wiped out again.

5 years ago Quote
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5 years ago Quote

This is really excellent, Stitch! Well done! I hope new players will take it to heart.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Really useful stuff for new players, thanks for doing this. Now to get everyone to read it:)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Wonderful advice! Thx, Stitch

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Market was changed.  Minimum travel time is now 2 hours.  You need level 3 or 4 to buy, level 5 to sell.

Early age towers are weak and have high population.  I prefer to keep my buildtime low, a big wall (walls have no pop) and lots of troops.  You can move troops between towns or even to defend others.  Towers just sit there...........twiddling their thumbs...........eating their heads off.........refusing to get off their butts and walk anywhere, much like a coach potato.

Higher age towers, when you have better housing, are stronger, but still pop heavy.  Like a couch potato, throwing things, shooting arrows, firing bullets...........a grumpy couch potato.

If you want to argue if favour of towers, lets hear it :)

5 years ago Quote
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