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Is there a way to skip puzzles?

I dislike puzzles.  I want to build, adventure, battle, etc. but I do not want to spend my time figuring out the wonderful garden puzzle with or without the extensive screenshots shown in another thread on this forum.  I want an option in the game to skip a puzzle - even if I have to pay a resource penalty or something like that.  I feel so strongly about this that I will simply stop playing a game if a puzzle becomes a barrier.  I am not good at them and I don't enjoy them.  A game has to be enjoyable or I stop playing. In the previous Totem Tribe games I used cheats (and they were simple compared to the garden one here) if I couldn't figure out the puzzles in a few minutes. I hope I don't sound impolite because that is not my intention. I simply want to be crystal clear.  If someone here knows how I can skip a puzzle please let me know! Thanks in advance.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

You do not have to play the puzzles to advance in the game. The puzzles are an option, a good one I might add for those times in between builds when you have nothing to do :)

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

yes most puzzles you do not need to complete, just pass them by :)

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

The puzzles offer rewards for completion and/ or at various stages of completion, but as the others have said, you don't have to do any of them at all if you don't want to. Either ignore them completely, or give them a try but just stop once you've decided you can't be bothered doing anything more in that particular puzzle.

Some puzzles give rewards that may be useful for other (optional) tasks/ quests. But they are never (in my experience anyway) the only way to get the items required to complete those quests.

There are quite a few aspects of the game that are like this... you don't have to engage in those bits that don't interest you.

You will simply be left with some puzzles in your active quest list, which might be mildly annoying - but it won't affect the rest of your game play if you just leave them there unsolved.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Thank you for this info! I find that I am really struggling and growing increasingly frustrated trying to solve some of these puzzles! I feared it would hinder me from advancing in the game.  I am enjoying the game except for the frustrating puzzles! One puzzle which is really grinding my gears is the steam puzzle in the old mine...ugh! Im going to walk away a bit and try again.  

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Not sure if it is possible programming wise but ...

I have problems with the Beacon puzzles (even though I have managed 3 now) and I would like to suggest that the devs allow us to purchase a "I am dumb button" (name can be changed lol) which would remove all the decoy jiggling objects in the beacon puzzles and remove all the movable rocks in the caves etc that do not have anything under them so that both my current heroes can find the last black key etc and move forward to complete the areas instead of having to abandon them.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote