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SPOILER: Keepers Village Puzzle

1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 9
Thank you
But what is for sure?(:
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Thank you
But what is for sure?(:

You can try it as many times as you want, it's not possible to lose:)

Edited 20 seconds later by .
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

Thank you :)

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
When a red gem is clicked in the middle
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
When a red gem is clicked in the middle
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Thank you
But what is for sure?(:

You can try it as many times as you want, it's not possible to lose:)

When a red gem is clicked in the middle

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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Please help....(

r7 y2 w6

594, 159, 261 but I'm not sure

It didn't work

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote


4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

If you read back a couple of pages, you will find the answer to your question :)

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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If you read back a couple of pages, you will find the answer to your question :)

Thank you correct number was 950

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

How to wear a ring

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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How to wear a ring

You hero needs to have a perk which unlocks this ability.

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

Thank you so much 

Where is this perk on the Hero update page?

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

My plants are

white 8

yellow 6

red 3

i have this code 1=8, 2=5?, 4=9

please help i stuck!!!!!!

Edited -1 second later by .
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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have been trying the Keeper Village puzzle forever, i have 2 yellow flowers, 5 white, and 8 red, my hints are 4=3, 5=1 or maybe 3=1.......please help  me!

Try 417, 184 and 306

how to get 

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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You can solve it without any hints other than the flowers themselves (I never bother finding the clue stones anymore), it just takes a little longer.

First enter your actual numbers in the order of white, yellow, red: 1 - 3 - 8

Then enter +1 for each in the next round: 2 - 4 - 9 

Keep doing this (3 - 5 - 0; 4 - 6 - 1 etc) until the tomb opens.

Easiest and best. Thanks a lot !!!

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

still can't solve it. i got 4 whites, 9 yellows and 2 reds. Hints are 9=1, 8=1? and 7=6...can you please help me out

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

у меня получилось ! было 9  цветов  5 и  1 ! от 9 отнял 2  от 5 отнял 2 а  к 1 прибавил 2  ! короче 7 .3.3 вышло и открыл

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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There are 3 possible solutions of the puzzle, only one of them is correct.

SPOILER!!!                Use this link to calculate the possible answers:


or PM me, if you can't  cope with the table

I would appreciate all feedback about the result, so as to change the algorithm if necessary.

No longer available.. :(

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 9