Made in Ukraine

New continent

Hello bear :))

Do you project to open a new continent soon? Can't wait for it :D

What will it be? 

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

New continent will be opened when current one is about to be fully populated.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Continents - as of Sat 19th June 2021

Northern Tundra         Thorheim     Jonberg

Northern Grassland    Wakebury     Littlefield

Northern Tropics         Katoria     Abenia              About 137 days old

Northern Desert       Mabadastan   Mujahidabad    burning - 12 days left

Southern Desert       Dehbarezijan   Idrisajan

Southern Tropics       Gawndwe   Chidibwe           39 days old

Southern Grassland  Bridgefield    Dodbury 

Southern Tundra       Dagfjord     Swanberg           92 days old    

Teya is several continents wide, but these seem to be the only 2 columns in use.Katoria was open 45 days, Dagfjord 53 days.

Gawndwe currently 280 active heroes, trigger for new continent,might be 350 heroes.

Estimated next continent in  6 - 11 days.  Probably Grasslands.

Edited 2 minutes later by . Reason: Preview lied to me :(.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Teya is 18 columns wide with 8 continents in each column for a total of 144.  I have found the names of 84 so far.  Berserker explained to me that the other columns will be in use when more players are in the game.  For now we just use continents in columns 1 and 2. 

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Lol, so somebody was as bored as I was...? I found 94 so far.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Will be another continent in 10 - 20 days, we've had Herdishiem, so guessing Appleford (Southern Grassland) or Atiquajan (Southern Desert).

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Antiquajan finally filled up.  61 days.  Appleford is now open.  HOWEVER, the first few days tend to be BUSY and CROWDED, with veterans and depots, so you might want to give it a week or 2.

Remember the 30 day rule.  Anyone who is more than 30 days older, or younger than you, cannot attack, or be attacked, by you.

For despots, starting on day one, reduces your victim pool.  Starting at 2 - 3 weeks, greatly increase your number of possible targets.

For collects, while there may be less despots, in age range, starting early will mean you land near some of the strongest, fastest and most active.

REMINDER about Creature Habitats, 4 will spawn within an hour of your hero, at 9 - 14 cells, from your dwelling.  There will be some resources, but no creatures, until 14 days.  A useful source of extra resources.  

At 14 days CH's will start producing 5 each food, wood, stone and iron, per hour, or 120 each, per day.  For those with victories, creatures may also spawn, at 14 days, if they have resources to do so.  Less active and newer heroes might not have creatures spawn, for 21 days or more.

Creature habitats being fairly new content, we are still learning how they work.  An album of information, I am working on.      

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

This info is a little late, new continent over 30 days old, but I only just started a hero in Northern Tundra.

The new continent is in the column 2 West (left) of the previous ones.  Currently 224 heroes playing.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Aerostats.  My new hero, in Tundra is 11 hours 46minutes travel time, from my older hero, in Southern Grasslands (Appleford), but it seems aerostats have an 11 hour limit?

"Aerostats cannot move so far and so long with required food".  

Teya map:-

Edited 36 minutes later by . Reason: Added picture.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Harunastan opened about 4 days ago, estimated 29th May 2023.  I took a couple of weeks off.  (Going by age of the person, at the top of the rankings, for continent.)

I would like to say, that the changes to the opening tutorial, are horrid.  Not sure when they changed the colours of the forest and gardens, but the new colours, are worse.  More recent changes, are big flashing borders, on icon/buttons and completely unnecessary and unpleasant are the targeting yellow light, that flashes most of the screen, before shrinking onto the target icon/button.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
Norhern Tropics is OPEN, Mirembwe.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

Eysheim Southern continent now open.

9 months ago Quote
9 months ago Quote

Lesenion Southern Tropics now open.

7 months ago Quote
7 months ago Quote

4th March 2024  Jalsajan Southern Desert, been open about 2 days.

4 months ago Quote
4 months ago Quote

343 heroes in desert.  350 heroes and continent is full?  I heard it from another player, a long time ago.

So sometime this week, hopefully, Yaxford will open.  Southern Grasslands.  All other 7 continents in this column have been played, so it should be that one.

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

It used to be 350 hero's per continent, but with the change on spawn spots, its probably closer to 400 now.

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

26.6.24  Still 350, opened 4 days ago.

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote