Made in Ukraine

Suggestion: Make resources from alliance members not expire when taken over.

So I am quite lucky to have some of my alliance members close by. Due to my choices on hero perk points, the culture of my towns is dependant on where my hero currently resides.

This causes issues with controlling global resources however. I cannot lend the sugar resource to my alliance member and neighbour Guss, because whenever my hero joins/leaves my main town, the resource is 'reset' and has to be lent to them again. This gets annoying after a while.

Issue is sorta shown here:

This could be easily resolved by not razing the global resource buildings of your alliance members.

Any feedback on this would be quite welcome.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have also been frustrated by this. Maybe the solution would be that it would have to take 24 hours for lent resources to be razed, just as other resources are. Shifting borders can really play havoc with a global resource.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Lent resources already take 24 hours to raze. The real problem here is that a lent resource does not stop being razed if it goes back into the owners domain. So player A loans resource to player B, Player C takes resource and raze begins, when player A gets resource back raze continues since resource thinks it belongs to player B, this is kind of a drag, but I also look at it as a way to take a resource lent to a player who is no longer touching the original domain the resource was lent from, because in that case the resource cannot just be lent back.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

The easiest fix for this would to add a button on the borrowing players side, which would allow them to "unborrow" the resource, while keeping the structure intact. This would keep the structure in borrowed mode while in their own territory, unless they click the unborrow button.

Yes, I know there's obviously a better word for "unborrow". I'm sure someone will point out what that word is. Thank you.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote