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Walkthru videos on You Tube

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Folks, who has watched this video for this level? It is not the same as mine. I have version 1.02 and am wondering. Can anyone help with why all my lights are on the pedestals and little light thingies? it looks like he is putting them on individually - how would i do that ?? if they are already on! What am i missing? please let me know. AND am i the only person new to this game? everyone else seems to have posted way back in early spring! thanks all, love the game - hate having to search for the gems. HAVE FUN!!! :)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Reply to

I'm on Gaurden Moon. I managed to get the darn lights off but can not get them all on at same time. I have started this game more times than I can count. My game does not start out like one on Utube I have different lights on and off. Darn it I guess I will never get the lights on to get the chest.

Once you get the hang of it, it's quite easy. start with any gold "button" light, whatever you call them. Just 1) click on that first unlit gold one-then click on each in that row and in the column but don't click your original. Then, 2) pick another one that is gold (not lit yet) do the same thing, by clicking on each in the row and column except for that second original choice. I was confused about which ones to click on. Basically it is click on each in the row and column whether lit or not. Every one in the row AND column (but remember, again, NOT on the original unlit one you chose to start that sequence). It is like so easy, once you figure it out. HAVE FUN!!!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
I can't seem to find all the broken pieces for the ice crystals. I don't know if I am not looking at the screen right or what. What I do know is that they are all there somewhere. Thank you for the videos, but they don't help me with this particular problem. Please help. Thank you in advance and God Bless.:):)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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