Made in Ukraine

constant attacks

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I keep getting attacked by one player, I have spend over 400.00 on this game. But will not spend another dollar because of this person. If you want to get folks to play and have fun, there has to be a way to block someone from attacking over and over again. It is very costly and disheartening to come back from a long weekend or vacation to have a lot of costly damage to take care of. Every once is a while I can understand but 3 or 4 times a day or week is ridiculous.  It is also unfair when you only have 10 units and they have 272, please let me know what I can do to stop this. I have considered inviting folks to play this game, but now will not. I know this person does not care, I have sent messages and no response. They are just way to big to fight off. 

Edited 55 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Sandy stop putting your energy into rebuilding for the moment.  If you have a ward then use it and if you are communality, build towers, as many as you can and max them out -  and get your walls maxed too. Communality is all about defence and if you have enough towers then let the person attack away - they will lose more than you.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

How many towers? at at each entrance or make a circle of nothing but towers? 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Sandy it doesn't really matter where in your town you place towers, as long as you have them that's all that matters as they will cause damage to your attacker.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I keep getting attacked by one player, I have spend over 400.00 on this game. But will not spend another dollar because of this person. If you want to get folks to play and have fun, there has to be a way to block someone from attacking over and over again. It is very costly and disheartening to come back from a long weekend or vacation to have a lot of costly damage to take care of. Every once is a while I can understand but 3 or 4 times a day or week is ridiculous.  It is also unfair when you only have 10 units and they have 272, please let me know what I can do to stop this. I have considered inviting folks to play this game, but now will not. I know this person does not care, I have sent messages and no response. They are just way to big to fight off. 

Same here. I have had to rebuild everyday. I cannot get far enough to build my towers before he destroys everything again.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I keep getting attacked by one player, I have spend over 400.00 on this game. But will not spend another dollar because of this person. If you want to get folks to play and have fun, there has to be a way to block someone from attacking over and over again. It is very costly and disheartening to come back from a long weekend or vacation to have a lot of costly damage to take care of. Every once is a while I can understand but 3 or 4 times a day or week is ridiculous.  It is also unfair when you only have 10 units and they have 272, please let me know what I can do to stop this. I have considered inviting folks to play this game, but now will not. I know this person does not care, I have sent messages and no response. They are just way to big to fight off. 

Same here. I have had to rebuild everyday. I cannot get far enough to build my towers before he destroys everything again.

Want to form a coalition?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I keep getting attacked by one player, I have spend over 400.00 on this game. But will not spend another dollar because of this person. If you want to get folks to play and have fun, there has to be a way to block someone from attacking over and over again. It is very costly and disheartening to come back from a long weekend or vacation to have a lot of costly damage to take care of. Every once is a while I can understand but 3 or 4 times a day or week is ridiculous.  It is also unfair when you only have 10 units and they have 272, please let me know what I can do to stop this. I have considered inviting folks to play this game, but now will not. I know this person does not care, I have sent messages and no response. They are just way to big to fight off. 

Same here. I have had to rebuild everyday. I cannot get far enough to build my towers before he destroys everything again.

If you have a ward then use it,  over a three day period you should be able to build at least 9 towers in each of your towns and get them maxed up.  Its the only way to stop  the attacks.  @Annie we are not on the same continent so there would be no point, but if we are neighbours in the next phase then by all means.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Sandy Sue,   This is a war game.   I’ve been playing for over 50 days as a communality player and have also put a lot of money into the game.  It was lots of fun at first but now it isn’t for me either.  Like you, I’m constantly under attack.  Being part of an Alliance is nice but doesn’t really help you defend yourself.  One can use the Lada’s Ward but as soon as the time runs out you are a target again.   My experience is that towers and high walls don’t keep them away - you’ll continue to lose buildings and resources.  I know it’s a pain having spent all that time and money on building your country and then….  If you want to continue playing in peace you have to start a new hero somewhere else where, with any luck, there won’t be warmongering players surrounding you.   Then you can play the game you want, hopefully!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

While I disagree with Lily that this is a war game, in some situations to some people it can certainly look like one. Anyway here is the thread with some hints on defense I have made back in the days:

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
In the 12 hours that it took for my last truce flag to fly I was attacked 16 times by 4 different Leaderism countries.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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In the 12 hours that it took for my last truce flag to fly I was attacked 16 times by 4 different Leaderism countries.

Naaah it was 16 just by me then the others :D

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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In the 12 hours that it took for my last truce flag to fly I was attacked 16 times by 4 different Leaderism countries.

Sometimes it's imposible to defend, if you have really tried everything else and you did't manage to advance maybe you should think of starting a new hero, i feel that people play the war aspect when they get bored from building and researching, but maybe you just had bad luck when you were placed in the world map. I had the same problem and when i started again almost all those problems were gone, maybe you should consider the idea

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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While I disagree with Lily that this is a war game, in some situations to some people it can certainly look like one. Anyway here is the thread with some hints on defense I have made back in the days:

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Now that I'm under attack, I'm seriously considering just to leave. I'm in no mood to start from scratch, as that would cost weeks to rebuild (yes, I have some real life and not that much time to spend to constantly watch the development of my country), and all this talking about communality protecting you is just what it is...words.

For now I will not give out any info about my troops and defenses (see my big mistake in the survey talking about my troops used to survive in NK). And money ? Not from me anymore. I never wanted a war game, so probably this is just not my game.

Edited 45 seconds later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Now that I'm under attack, I'm seriously considering just to leave. I'm in no mood to start from scratch, as that would cost weeks to rebuild (yes, I have some real life and not that much time to spend to constantly watch the development of my country), and all this talking about communality protecting you is just what it is...words.

For now I will not give out any info about my troops and defenses (see my big mistake in the survey talking about my troops used to survive in NK). And money ? Not from me anymore. I never wanted a war game, so probably this is just not my game.

You have the reason in so many things i don't know where to start,a shame that devs don't see our point

As i am always against war (which is not true, but i think that it shouldnt be implemented as it is) and i was in the same scenario, i suppose, i can understand your feelings: having your town attacked constantly is more than just only the attack and the damage. Plus the fact that you have to rebuild, so you loose twice.

Comm is great,in fact it's the best think in the entire game, i mean, it doesn't makes you commpletelly unusefull at attacking or anything, so if anyone is going to complain on that A it's not the place to do it and B it also has downsides,so think what you are going to say carefully. And it also makes you attack-proof.(this isn't directed to the devs, dont get it wrong, i understand you cant make us invincible)

This game can be too absorbing at some times, it usually depends on other people (attackers, alliance mates...)

As a last thing, i want to give a warning to the team: We are only a few people (people REALLY playing? 100? less?), representing the whole gaming community, one people that ragequits is a huge loss at this moment, and even more if it's a donnor. Maybe one person won't do any damage but there has been more than one that was about to quit, incuiding myself

Edited 1 minute later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

In fact "the devs see your point", your problem is different. The problem is "the devs see not only your point" but the whole picture, nuff said.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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In fact "the devs see your point", your problem is different. The problem is "the devs see not only your point" but the whole picture, nuff said.

I really wonder how many war games there are out there on the market, and if another one is needed. But as you said, enough said.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

The weird thing is, I harassed a few players with attacks to check reactions, none complained and here I see a few people complaining, any idea why ?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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The weird thing is, I harassed a few players with attacks to check reactions, none complained and here I see a few people complaining, any idea why ?

Because, as you can see, complaining alone doesn't accomplish anything and does not add to the discussion without viable alternatives.  :-)  Or, maybe they are just afraid of you.  :-D

Edited 2 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Or how about they just want to be left alone and not enter useless discussions with players who like to harass others ?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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