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[Survey] How many quest locations do you usually finish?

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We are in the middle of figuring out whether it is worth adding another set of side quest locations so we need you to honestly answer some questions.

How much of these quest locations do you usually finish in your play through?

  1. Story Locations (Opposition Hideout, Keepers Village, Thornsville, etc.)

    Always play OP, Keepers, Kviv. Thornsville have been in trying to finish. Karfaree I go back now and then. Have never finished the entire place, usually because to slow about getting back there. Do not like that some quests have time limits.

  2. Caves

    Visit them all. I never know if I have finished a cave. Have never finished the quest, not even sure what he quest is.

  3. Dungeons

    I love the dungeons. Visit and finish all of them. Finished quest once. Did not bother to do a second time.

  4. Anomalies

    I usually wait til later to do them. Do not like having to upgrade storage to such a high level to play them. Have never finished them all.

  5. Monster Dens

    Another favorite. Return to fight as soon as monsters are respawned... Did finish quest in last alpha. Will try to finish again.

  6. Mines

    Have not been to all of them yet. Not understanding the steam puzzles, but keep going back to try try again.

Please everyone answer them and please be honest.

Edited -1 second later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
I try to do everything, but keep missing stuff, switches or chest items
  1. Story Locations 
    OH, KV and NK 100 %, in Karfaree I usually mess up one or the other of the side quests
  2. Caves 
    Never managed to finish all of them or the main quest
  3. Dungeons
    Same as Caves
  4. Anomalies
    approx. 50 %? I am just bad at finding the passwords
  5. Monster Dens
    All but dragons and main quest
  6. Mines
    Haven't gotten too far, I do not like the steam puzzle at all, generally not my favourite locations
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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3. Dungeons are wonderful places and I really love them ... until I come to a beacon puzzle and then I grind to a halt. I think I have managed to do about 4 or 5 in all the alphas ... stuck on one at the moment and no matter if I work from the lit or the unlit angle I just can't get them to marry up. Unfortunately not being able to do these means I will never *sniff* be able to excavate the ship or the pyramid type ruins which I have been so looking forward to doing ever since I first saw them in the hope that there will be some weird and wonderful enhanced weapons and armour in them.

I will think about making those excavation tools available otherwise.

Edited 15 seconds later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

All of them 100% if I don't get stuck

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

1. All story locations, as far has been developed. One quest outstanding in Karfaree

2. Caves 100% - not my fave, but I liked the way the story developed here.

3. Dungeons 100% - LOVE the dungeons!

4. Anomalies 50% - too impatient to baby-sit hero in tiny steps so she doesn't fall in a crystal circle. Maybe i'll finish when there's nothing else to do.

5. Monster dens - 99% - visited and cleared all, have not opened the crypt. I wish we had lots more dens!!

6. Mines 100% - I like the mines very much too.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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  1. Caves - I go to all and finish them all. I would like to add that I think while many players might find them a bit dull by now, I still quite like them (but I have not really played many heroes). Lately, when going there, I have wondered that instead of new types of locations being added, I might really like to see a revised/updated/more complex version of caves.

Dungeons - I go to all, and finish them all. I will probably not finish the demonic seal part because I have once, was somewhat disappointed by the final battle/story outcome/reward, and do not want to do the lever puzzle thing again.

Anomalies - I think I finished about 70% last time I played, and would like to make it over the finish line this time, if I have the time. I still quite appreciate how to me they are different to other location types, almost like a category of their own (while caves, dungeons, mines would all be in one category).

Monster Dens - I go to them all regularly. After being done with research (not sure if I can be done this time, haven't played info age before), I switch from + science focus to +consumable/magic focus when going there.

Mines - I will try to play them all with current hero if I find the time in order to get a full impression, but my impression so far is that I would not keep going back to them regularly for the mining aspect. (Going to fill out mines servey later today for more details).

Story locations - this is actually the least favorite part of the game for me, at least currently. I do what I have to do in regards to the early ones, NK, OP, KV. This time I went into Karfaree once I knew I would have to to trigger Thornsville. If that hadn't been introduced, I might not have gone to Karfaree at all by now, maybe later when most of other locations are done.

I hope it's okay to add that I am starting to find the number of locations somewhat overwhelming. For the ones I like I am still kind of "yay!" when a new one pops up, but e.g. even though I quite like anomalies, they are already a bit too time consuming for me. Maybe if I wrote stuff down more, but that is part of my point here: 

I am starting to feel there is too much stuff I would need to take notes on, and return to and so forth. Another example would be mines, the steam puzzle. When encountering it, I realized I have 3 options: either spend time trying to solve it (don't mind that, but then it will have to wait until I am willing to spend time, and since there is so much going on already, I might not be willing to spend time for quite some time), ask another player to explain it a bit to me (again, spending time - having to contact someone, having to have a conversation, maybe trying what they advised, having to contact them again for further clarification, etc), or, as some players are doing it, make a sketch and give it to someone else to solve it for me (not interested in doing it that way).

And story line locations are even much, much more time consuming. I fully understand that many players, maybe even the vast majority of players enjoy these a lot and enjoy spending a lot of time. But I am not that type of player, I'm afraid.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

1 story locations  (OH, NK, Heral Tribe, Necropolis, Thornsville) do them 100%, In Karfaree I do the main quest for the story and if I'm really bored will try the other quests.

2 Dungeons love them and do them 100%

3 Caves  love them also and do them 100%

4 Monster dens go there every time when monsters are respawned

5 Mines planning to do them all, some have strong monsters in it but will go back when my army is stronger.

6 Anomalies, never done them all, but if I go there it is only because of the blue vials.

Edited 36 seconds later by . Reason: spelling.
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I always do OH, NK and FV, and Karfaree.I complete all the monster locationsI do all the caves as best I can, I THINK I finish them.  Someday it would be nice to see them all completed so I can see if I missed anything :)I do all the dungeons except Beacon PuzzlesI do all the Anomolies as best I can, usually can complete 80%I do all the mines except for the steam puzzles.  I've only completed a couple of the non steam mines

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

1.  Story:   Love the story!  I do all as far as possible.2. Caves:  Don't know if I am just better at them now or if they were changed so that stalagmites don't have dead ends if you pick the wrong path.  Finally finished once.  3. Dungeons:  Love them and finished once.  I have to get help for the beacon puzzle.  thankfully my husband can see the paths.  I can not.4. Anomalies:  I really like the anomalies except for the need to build so much.  Way too much resources needed.  Never finished. 5. Dens:   Can't get enough of these!  Have been to all of them. 6. Mines:   LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!    The steam puzzle is so much fun!  The mines remind me of the desert locations in TTG.   Finished all of them and can't wait to do it again. General:   Too much DIGGING!   It is better now that xp is given for digging, but still too much, and never should gems be in a dig site!  I often look for gems while digging.   I love the puzzles in general and would like more.   some of these places can only be completed when at a high level hero.  That is when the attacks are happening and often can not spend the time at sites. If your country is built up with several towns, also do not have time to get back to some places.  I suppose it could be planned and use lada's to have time to do it, not really incentive enough to do so.

Edited -1 second later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Bers I love you ;-)  thank you for listening and then making me very :D very :D happy :D

I have just opened a chest in my town and got a spade to make the second excavation tool set complete, I can't wait to try them out tomorrow, oops later this morning. Thanks again xx

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Story Locations (Opposition Hideout, Keepers Village, Thornsville, etc.):OH, yes KV yes, thornsville yes,  Karfaree:yes but only to get the experience. I hate to random click!

Caves: I try, but if I have to find x number of keys under moving rocks, I am out of there! I usually only go to fight mobs and get research points.

Dungeons: I lOVE those. It took me awhile to appreciate the beacon puzzle, but now I do them fairly easily (DO NOT CHANGE THAT!!!

Anomalies: No, don't like the walking here and there and random clicking to see if I find a hint. It is as annoying here as in Karfaree! i do climate for the snow leopards.

Monster dens: I love those, some more than others of course. We need more of them, easy ones for new heroes, like mushrooms and hard ones for high level heroes, like snakehands, monsters bosses, coffins, birdhouses etc.See also my entry in this thread:

Mines: I find the steam puzzles very frustrating. I did solve several, but there are still a few i haven't cracked.Very annoying!

Edited 5 minutes later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

1 Story locations  (OH, NK, Heral Tribe, Necropolis, Thornsville). I do them 100%. Kind of like Karfaree, with all the side quests. I go there several times. Still trying to figure out what triggers some quests. Only got Lucy and gladiator fights once. Thornsville seems very linear to me, I prefer more different quests than one big. The puzzles are both great.

2 Dungeons. Love them and do them 100%. I really like the beacon puzzles :)

3 Caves. Love them also and do them 100%.

4 Monster dens. Go there every time when monsters are re-spawned. Usually visit dragon hoard only once to get the key. I opened the Valerian potion chest once, cannot remember if worth the trouble.

5 Mines. I finish them. I found them great. I really like steam puzzle, I just needed a bit of help at start. All it takes is a pen and a piece of paper.

6 Anomalies. I won't say I love them. As already had been pointed, I also wait to get bigger storage before I go there. I try to finish them all. So far waiting for the very strong tools to finish deadland. I like the story and the gifts at the end.

As a conclusion, I can say I look forward to get the next map, no matter which the location will be. Not really good at finding secrets (7/30 in mines), and usually I leave with one gem missing :(. The exp, the science and the gifts you collect are very good, mines had a bit less than other locations, but still good enough. I will look forward for new locations :)

P.S. A bit of suggestion. Maybe you can introduce one or two new sections in caves, to give some more variety, they will be great and more tempting.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to

Thornsville seems very linear to me, I prefer more different quests than one big.

I get what you mean, but just FYI: main Thrornsville quest has at least 4 major ways to solve it. The outcome may vary pretty much.

We'd like to encourage players solving quests in different ways: by skipping some events, messing with characters etc.

Edited 49 seconds later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

maybe up your intellect and wisdom to get different conversations?

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

1.  Story locations: love all of them except K.  In K I get fed up with having to talk to random citizens, and the zoo keeper I just want the option to kill him, as for the gladiator games - so very hard to get into, that I no longer even bother with them.  Some aspects of K I still do.

2.  Caves:  bit of a love hate relationship.  I do not mind moving a few rocks but rock moving gets very tedious - if they moved just once that would not be so bad.  I do the caves when I can, they are great for goodies and XP.  Hard to know when they are complete and found very few secrets (obviously I am rubbish at finding them).  Think I completed them all last alpha, though still a way to go in Beta.

3.  Dungeons: Love the dungeons and completed them all in alpha.  The beacons sometimes drive me nuts but normally I get them, occasionally I have to walk away from them and go back later.  I did have one dungeon which was heavily populated with dragons in large groups.  I had to go back so many times to kill them as I had very few range troops as I had very little sulphur.  But I got them all in the end :)

4.  Anomalies:  I have a tendency to die - taking baby steps is just not my style.  I like them but having to increase the camp so many levels before you can even start is a pain.  Instead of 2k food, 2k wood and 6k stone - why not make it 3k of each and you can start the anomaly so much quicker.  I mostly completed them though I do not think I got every single terminal, patience not being one of my virtures :)

5.  Monster Dens: definitely completed all of them - love them to bits, and love that they respawn so you can go back again and again for more XP and especially to find those elusive figs of enlightenment.  Finding enough figs is very hard but I managed it last alpha and then ended up with an excess and no means to pass them on to alliance friends in desperate need of figs.

6.  Mines:  Mostly loving them, still not got to grips with the steam puzzle.  Managed one I think more by accident than planning.  The spot the difference started off as easy and then got harder and harder.  I currently have a mine where I just cannot find the last difference (hopefully) and immediately before that one was another killer spot the difference which took ages but I got there eventually.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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