Made in Ukraine
Equipment Memorizer Added

Equipment Memorizer Added

By popular demand today we are adding a new feature called "Equipment Memorizer". This feature allows to change equipment sets in a matter of a few clicks.

There is a new button in your hero tab which opens up "Equipment Memorizer" window. In that window you can save or load presets with items for your hero.

This allows you to have sets of items for different tasks in the game, i.e. one set for research in town, another set to fight monters, yet another to attack other players, e.t.c. This memorizer allows to equip all pre-defined items all at once, instead of dragging everythong one by one.

There could be multiple slots, each slot contains FULL SET of equipped items. To unlock memorizer slots you need special item called "Ruyevit's Briefcase". Higher number of slots requires progressively more items to unlock.

This is a rare item, but couple of quests allow you to get it for free, i.e. in the end of Bulat's Quest, also in the end of Shaman Blacksmith quest, alternatively you can buy it in the Cash Shop.

Overall this was made as an experimental paid feature to see if the sales of this item will cover the cost of programmer's salary for the time it took to implement this feature. If it will, maybe we will do other improvements this way.

Memorizer is stored on server, so if you play the game from different devices, presets will be shared across them.

Memorizer slots are available only for current hero, they disappear after victory or game over.

Some bugs fixed in this update as well, see update log for more info.

2 years ago

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Interesting. I'm curious if you can change the clothes/gear in the memorize slot? Because when my hero gets older, she get sometimes better items or I make them myself. So was thinking if I can change the items in the slot?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Very much appreciated update. Well, in my case I will not use it for a long time, as I did all the ruins dungeons caves dens and I don't want to do them again so I'm not gonna have a ton of equipment like I did in the past where I would have liked that update. Is the following thing still planned ? "rare "legendary" modifiers that are more regular than usual, but can have only 1 per artifact. also we have a number of equipment drawn, but not yet used in the game - those could be "legendary" artifacts that can be crafted using special kind of ores." If so, is it likely to be released next month (as you seem to do an update every month now) ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Interesting. I'm curious if you can change the clothes/gear in the memorize slot? Because when my hero gets older, she get sometimes better items or I make them myself. So was thinking if I can change the items in the slot?

Button with arrow up restores the saved set on the hero. Button with arrow down saves currently equipped items on the hero into memorizer slot. Red button clears slot for convenience, but it is not required to clear it, you can just overwrite with "arrow down". I see the usage is not obvious, so we will add hints to those buttons in the next update.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Is the following thing still planned ? "rare "legendary" modifiers

They are planned, but not in production, so no ETA.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

Interesting. I'm curious if you can change the clothes/gear in the memorize slot? Because when my hero gets older, she get sometimes better items or I make them myself. So was thinking if I can change the items in the slot?

Button with arrow up restores the saved set on the hero. Button with arrow down saves currently equipped items on the hero into memorizer slot. Red button clears slot for convenience, but it is not required to clear it, you can just overwrite with "arrow down". I see the usage is not obvious, so we will add hints to those buttons in the next update.

Oke, thank you for the update and answer.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I love it, thanks team!

A small enhancement, if easily achieved, would be the ability to give each memorised set a custom name, eg "War", "Science",etc..  Something we can type ourselves into a field.

Also, my hero has finished all quest locations and no loger requires dens.  So I also will not need to buy extra slots until next hero in a month or so.  Make sure you wait a few months before you decide if it was a worthwhile return on developer cost, i assume many people in same position... :D

Edited 5 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Also, my hero has finished all quest locations and no loger requires dens.  So I also will not need to buy extra slots until next hero in a month or so.  Make sure you wait a few months before you decide if it was a worthwhile return on developer cost, i assume many people in same position... :D

Even in optimistic case I don't expect it to recoup within less than couple of hours. Realisticly it would take a year I think.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
How rare is that item (to find in chests), as rare as a figurine of enlightenment ? A blueprint ? Or even as rare as a potion of total recall ? Or is it just as rare as rage encaged since it has the same price in the shop ?
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

It cannot be found randomly, it's like Marena's Cycle.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Ha, very glad I asked then, I could have opened ton of chests without finding one. I will check them once my hero reach victory then, with Bulat and shaman. It's just for curiosity, as I don't need them this time.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Are there only 2 free ones though (from Bulat and shaman) ? Because "Marena's cycle" as you say is also a reward for finishing the dungeons so I wonder if there are some other places to get some too.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I have a few questions: first, did you just not want to answer my last question (which I wouldn't mind) or did you just not see it (because I posted 2 messages in a few minutes so maybe you saw in "anonymous" and though that it was the first message that you already saw) ?

And while I'm here, I have 2 unrelated questions: I don't want to crash your server so I'm not gonna try, but I'm very curious about the following: remember about 8 years ago when I plundered a town for hours until it reached 32768 rounds and disconnected everybody on the server and the battle reset ? What would happen if I managed to have a creature habitat with about 5000 resources of each, and send a lone witchdoctor with many catapults to plunder with no monsters there ? There is no exhaustion after 1000 rounds, I tested, it's probably because the army is not doing nothing at all, it's plundering, and here the big difference is: the battle is instantaneous, so does it mean that the battle resets itself every second and thus no one would be able to reconnect to the server ?

Second potential server crash I'm very curious about: if in one town I manage to put buildings everywhere, mainly thanks to many obsolete huts/houses/cottages etc and same for towers, what would happen then if I tried to build a wall, since it would have nowhere to spawn ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Not all questions can be easily answered.

For last 2 questions - that should not cause any problems, definitely no the issue with wall. Will check number of battle rounds in creature dens just in case.

Edited -1 second later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Another question: Why don't you release expansion victory ? You said years ago that it would be just about reaching a set amount of cells, so it sounds trivial to implement. If the problem is that it would be too easy because of people doing town hop, you can just add that if any town get/got destroyed, the victory is no longer possible for that hero.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I don't remember saying that. It's definitely not that simple.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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I don't remember saying that.

I kept searching but I ended up admitting it: not like I have enough mental health issues already, I can now have false memories too, I was so sure you said that, that hurts... Maybe I mixed those 2 sentences "Culture victory involves [...] Once you will have whole pantheon, you win!" and "Expansion victory involves expanding borders of your country and promoting your title from noble to duke to emperror." into something like "Expansion victory involves expanding borders of your country. Once you will have the required amount of cells in your domain, you win!".

Anyway I'm glad that it's not just that simple then.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Expanding borders is just one of the aspect of that victory. Promoting your title is as important. We also planned another cool feature called "marriage" that is required to promote your title beyond some position which is not as simple to implement.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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that should not cause any problems, definitely no the issue with wall.

Are you sure it wouldn't also cause problem for where the following spawn ?: monsters, resources, chests, fruits, hidden objects for chests, animals.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote

And travellers.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
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