Made in Ukraine
Monsters will Attack! (from Creature Habitats)

Monsters will Attack! (from Creature Habitats)

Teya becomes a little bit more dangerous place now. In this update we are adding Creature Habitats - a place where monsters dwell and can attack or be attacked.

Creature Habitats - what are they?

They are special "monster towns" that have monster units and buildings.They will be appearing on world map one by one over time. After they appear they will be growing, accumulating resources, buildings structrures inside of them and training units. From time to time when they grow enough strength they will be launching attacks on one of your towns.

There are ways to deal with them. Aside just defending their attacks you can attack them yourself. If you kill their units or steal their resources, it will give you more time until they gather their strength again. You can even destroy those habitats with destructive weapons and solve that problem once and for all.

Another way to deal with attacking monsters is to engage in PVP activity. When you are fighting other players (either offensively or defensively), monsters become less active and wait until your PVP activity decreases. If you are regularily fighting other players, chances are monsters won't attack you at all. Attackers in PVP receive bigger "grace periods" from monsters than defenders.

Since Creature Habitats apear on world map gradually over time, they will have the most effect on new heroes.

There are some other factors that taken into account with monster activity. The biggest factor is number of victories. If your specific hero reached victories previously, monsters will be more active - grow faster, attack more, etc. Your current technology also affect it slightly. If your technology progress is low, they will be less active, to let you develop easier. The age of your kingdom also affects it - old kingdoms that are closer to apocalypse may face stronger monsters.

Interesting Facts about Creature Habitats

  • Some types creatures and habitats are unique to specific climate and won't appear in other climates.
  • Monsters can do both plunder and destructive attacks. In fact, a lot of monsters can damage walls and buildings!
  • Popups that display Quest Locations and Places of Interest now merged together and display Creature Habitats too.
  • If hero is in vacation mode, creatures are not active.
  • Allies cannot see attacking creatures and their habitats, but can reinforce towns to help defending against them if defending player asks. Since they cannot see them, catacombs would be the most effective.
  • Truce protects you from monster attacks
  • You cannot convert them and they cannot convert you.

Other Changes

  • Now hero outfit equipped during battle is stored correctly in the replay (it was displaying currently equipped one before). Because of this, internal replay structure was changed and all replays had to be deleted.
  • Button to find other player's town now works if any town of that player was uncovered.
  • Fixed spam with asking for protection popup
  • Nuclear Missile bug fixed when it did not do full damage sometimes.
  • Selected place of interest displays current place index in the group of the same type (i.e. 1/10)

Let us know what you think about this update.

2 years ago

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Back to monster habitats....I have some concern that these habitats will make actually playing the game almost impossible. At 14 days old a 5th habitat appeared. Others have told me new habitats will appear every 7 days. During 150 day hero life that is 21 habitats getting stronger as hero gets older.

One of my members, only 22 days old, is being attacked an average of 2 times a day. Her only choice, being a casual part-time player is to shelter all of her army and allow the monsters to plunder at will. Making it very difficult for her to progress to defend herself.

I like the idea of monster habitats, but question if you intended them to overshadow the rest of the game! I certainly hope not

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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And what about the "six possible victories" claim? Will that ever eventuate, or will that go the way of Acts II and III?

artist that was working on remaining art went to war fight against russia so it is currently on hold.

Damn, I looked at his website years ago and for some reason (probably because in west names finishing by sound "ee" are mostly female) I though that it was a woman, so I though that "she" wouldn't have been in first line with a rifle where it's the most dangerous... I hope he comes back as soon as possible.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

artist that was working on remaining art went to war fight against russia so it is currently on hold.

Damn, I looked at his website years ago and for some reason (probably because in west names finishing by sound "ee" are mostly female) I though that it was a woman, so I though that "she" wouldn't have been in first line with a rifle where it's the most dangerous... I hope he comes back as soon as possible.

Thats different artist. If you are talking about "Anchie", she only did portraits over 5 years ago or so, almost all buildings were made by Eugene Batrun aka "Live"

Edited 48 seconds later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Back to monster habitats....I have some concern that these habitats will make actually playing the game almost impossible. At 14 days old a 5th habitat appeared. Others have told me new habitats will appear every 7 days. During 150 day hero life that is 21 habitats getting stronger as hero gets older.

One of my members, only 22 days old, is being attacked an average of 2 times a day. Her only choice, being a casual part-time player is to shelter all of her army and allow the monsters to plunder at will. Making it very difficult for her to progress to defend herself.

I like the idea of monster habitats, but question if you intended them to overshadow the rest of the game! I certainly hope not

I've talked to couple of young players that were attacked and looks like they completely ignore defenses (literally 0 towers). Number of attacks is not as important as what kind of units are there to attack you. With collectivism and adequate defenses, even if its 10 attacks per day, there should be little to no trouble dealing with them. The habits of skipping defenses should change though.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I've ran a lifetime simulation and for a newbie casual player, there were like 97 attacks per kingdom life and 17 creature habitats by the end. Thats 1 attack per 1.5 days on average. If she was attacked 2 times a day, probably she had significant no-attack period before or afterwards. Also keep in mind that if monsters plunder a lot of resources, they will use those resources to build themselves up faster, so don't feed them :)

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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probably she had significant no-attack period before or afterwards

Does it mean that if you activate vacation mode for months, you will get more attacks to compensate when disabled ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Does it mean that if you activate vacation mode for months, you will get more attacks to compensate when disabled ?


2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I started my hero Stitch (4 victories), to properly test Monster Towns, in Rogozwe. I found and plundered my 4 towns for resources over 24 hours ago, but when I plundered today, there are zero resources.  So Monster towns do not continuously generate resources, like our own towns.

I am guessing resource production is calculated and spontaneously generated, every X Idays, either age of Town, or time elapsed since emptied?  I am also guessing that MT's (Monster Towns) spawn monsters every X days, like dens.  Maybe 10 days?  Dens have a mob size limit, of 8, but Monster towns have been seen with over 40 units, so far.

Do they need a certain level of resources, to spawn, so they only spawn if they can make a lot of monsters, or will they spawn a smaller mob?

I have an album  where I am compiling information.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I have some concerns about this new feature. I understand it urges players to react in defensive or offensive way much more than we have experienced the last years. But it's no fun for casual players to have their whole army whiped in 1 hit.

In a way this new feature forces players to spend a lot of time in this game. be it building up defenses and stash ( as collect), or destroy habitats (as despot)

I'm a bit worried, that this can backfire on the (small) player base we have. Casual players may just descide to leave this game. Because, what can a starting hero, or inexperienced player do against a new habitat with 2 buildings within 24 hours with level 210 armor? Build 35 cats weapon 3 upgrade ASAP and attack for 8 hours in a row?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Because, what can a starting hero, or inexperienced player do against a new habitat with 2 buildings within 24 hours with level 210 armor? Build 35 cats weapon 3 upgrade ASAP and attack for 8 hours in a row?

Sounds like you are talking about hero that reached some victories before. Those have stronger monsters. Not sure about building armor, could be a bug. Please elaborate.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

RepReport is archived

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: more info.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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Because, what can a starting hero, or inexperienced player do against a new habitat with 2 buildings within 24 hours with level 210 armor? Build 35 cats weapon 3 upgrade ASAP and attack for 8 hours in a row?

Sounds like you are talking about hero that reached some victories before. Those have stronger monsters. Not sure about building armor, could be a bug. Please elaborate.

Yes, Bers, i had some victories. 3 max i think with this hero.

 I only had 4 Breathing Glaciers sofar. Killed them. A new habitat appeared little over 24 hours ago, It has 2 Frozen pools level 20 with armor 210. I can take care of that. But can new players cope with this, while they also need to learn all the basics of this game? I have no idea idea how this works for new heroes or new players. But armor 210 is a lot. Even for me.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I love this game, but i'm worried this new feature can drive new players away from it. They need to learn so much.

What if, the creature habitats only spawn to heroes who have reached a victory. That would give new players at least 150 days to learn the basics.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

New players will have way less agressive and actively growing habitats that the hero with 3 victories, it is explained in the news. 210 armor is definitely a bug, will be fixed in the next update.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Berserker, how did you notice people replying recently here ? Posting messages in older news like this one doesn't show it on the right of the main page.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Hi,  the MDs and attacks were coming in when my 1st ever hero Fionne was perhaps about 60 days old. Despite being in an alliance I was still struggling to learn lots of new things and what to do.  My alliance was really helpful but there is so much to do and learn in this game.

None of the earlier TT games prepares you for any of this one and I've never played any other online games like this before.  A total Newbie to this world.

There was a lot of confusion about the MD at the time and what to do, when they'd attack etc.  I had no siege units, cats or anything else of use to destroy builds in MD and not really strong enough army to defeat higher levels.

I ignored them thinking " We are all about to start new heros on new continent soon,  I'll sort them out with new hero".

I have been attacked by 18  then 19 Dragons and 2 of Fionne's towns decimating my army ( despite building a shelter to level 10 couldn't fit everyone in it.  Today I've lost approx 50 of army including 2 sages .   Not to mention the 3k of res taken on this attack.

Every single attack has happened when I'm offline, so a) I can't move people or res to protect anything and b) my army is too weak to fight or survive.

NEW HERO:  La Mouche.

Kept going to all MD I found and looting and spying to keep things down.   Also sending out explorers, trying to level up hero etc etc.  I missed one Den in the fog which has also attacked and killed my entire tiny army of braves, hunters, archers and the odd legionaire  whilst taking res.

I took a holiday yet despite being in Holiday mode the dens all grew so I have spiders and Med Level Muscards coming after me with that hero that yet again I can do nothing about.  I'm so far away on development of towns and research I can't take down monster buildings or fight them.

I feel Like a lamb tied to a post for sacrifice and can't defend my res or the army.

I only get to play a couple of hours most days but not all as I work full time and have a long commute.

This game for me has gone from being fun - attacks fine as your alliance can support and back you.  I really enjoyed exploring the world of Teya which is incredible ; the puzzles and location secrets made it all the more fun.

Now I log on to find either my army or res are gone and I'm back to almost square one.

I go from angry to frustrated to almost tears of disappointment.   The game is no fun for new players or players who don't spend hours per day on here.

After La Mouche meets his final days I'm not going to create a new hero or play again - that makes me sad as I have made friends in alliances and outside alliances.   I also did love the game.

If you want to monetise this and make it mainstream you either need to:-

1.Give a lot more detailed instructions to newbies on how to play.

2.Give newbies time to learn the basics and explore a bit before hitting them with monster dens and destroying their hard work on their domain.

3. Fix the constant issues when anything is updated or a new continent opens - since I started La Mouche I have either no sound, sound someitmes but not for long, music is unplayable and sounds like someone scratching a nail round a piece of metal,  game lagging, hero time lag on me clicking the flag and either one of the 2 I have actually shifting their backsides - this has lead to a couple of deaths of hero which again wastes my time and res to resurrect them; still frequent red-green flashing lights or being chucked out of the game several times per evening.

4.Finish all the unfinished quests like Where is Alta, The Bronze Sphere etc  

 -  I appreciate you said your designer/artist is fighting in the Russia /Ukraine War  and I genuinely get that my issues above are flipping nothing to the atrocities going on in Ukraine and my sympathies are with all there.

Essentially you are not going to get or keep newbie players if you leave MD as they are and new players are pretty defenseless due to lack of knowledge, experience, res to build up high enough armour, army and weapons to attack and research points to get to the levels where you can get useful weaponry and army.

Sorry to be a negative nelly but after La Mouche gets to appocalypse;  you are losing another good, devoted, kind and helpful player who also has donated at various time in my game. 

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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I took a holiday yet despite being in Holiday mode the dens all grew so I have spiders and Med Level Muscards coming after me

Are you sure? Monster Habitats become inactive when Vacation Mode is on. Maybe they were big enough before the Vacation Mode and continuing the game allowed them to grow a bit more until attacked?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Berserker, how did you notice people replying recently here ? Posting messages in older news like this one doesn't show it on the right of the main page.

I use New Posts button on forum page - it shows all updated threads since my last visit. If always opening that page first when visiting the website, you will never miss any new posts.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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I took a holiday yet despite being in Holiday mode the dens all grew so I have spiders and Med Level Muscards coming after me

Are you sure? Monster Habitats become inactive when Vacation Mode is on. Maybe they were big enough before the Vacation Mode and continuing the game allowed them to grow a bit more until attacked?

Maybe they were but then again I log on now to do my 2 hours play per evening ( if I'm lucky) and find that I've lost another nearly 3k of resources - that I could have used to build up stash or shelter but can't now until my res stores are full again.  Maybe they were big enough to attack pre then because I could only explore a certain amount in the time I get to play and didn't discover all MD in time to keep plundering them.

But because I have little time to play per day, eg If I only have an hour free to  play I don't want to spend an awful lot of that spying on 6+ dens, sending my troops and hero or without hero to plunder and yet be attacked regularly in return.  It's is severely halting progress in the game for new players in my view.   

I really do appreciate Bers that you and your team are doing lots to keep the game innovative and fresh for those who have played for years but in the meantime you are making it so impossibly challenging for us newbies, esp those who don't spend hours playing per day every day;  that I fear you will lose newbies quite quickly.  

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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But because I have little time to play per day, eg If I only have an hour free to  play I don't want to spend an awful lot of that spying on 6+ dens, sending my troops and hero or without hero to plunder and yet be attacked regularly in return.  It's is severely halting progress in the game for new players in my view.   

You can use phone version to enter the game for couple of minutes throughout the day and spend the resources so their attacks won't hurt you much. I think it is possible to find several couple-of-minutes-break to do that if you are so stressed about resources lost. Alternatively you can use Truce or Lada's Ward to protect yourself from monsters the same way you protect from other players.

Edited 1 minute later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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