Made in Ukraine
New Server

New Server

We have moved to a new more powerful server which is around 20x faster than the old one.

It is located in the Germany now (old one was in the US), therefore connection speed might be slightly different, depending on where in the world you are, however on average this should be faster for everyone.

We have also ported our server software from Windows to Linux which makes our server fees smaller and will future-proof our technology. Everything considered what happened today will allow this game run for another decade or so.

However, there may be bugs and some instability, so please excuse us for caused inconvinience. We will work hard to fix them promptly. If you have any trouble accessing the game, please explain your problems here in the comments.

Also, let us know if the game is faster or slower for you now and in which aspects.

8 months ago

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The game doesn't save the settings in options.With every restart I need to log in again with e-mail and password.I hope this will be solved soon.
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Shoudl be fixed now with an update.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Thanks, it functions normal again.  :)

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
Reply to

We are moving to a new more powerful server. Please excuse us for caused inconvinience. If you have any trouble accessing the game, please explain your problems here in the comments.

have finally gotten on to the game but lettering is so small I am having trouble reading it. I have changed resolutions many times to no avail

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

lost my account with new update started game and no heros had to start new

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
Reply to

lost my account with new update started game and no heros had to start new

Account is not lost, you only lost saved login on your PC. Exit the game to the main menu - there you can login with your email login/password and continue playing.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
Since the server is now supposed to be faster, shouldn't the trades in the market be displayed faster when opening it ? It still takes a few seconds like before.
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Not all aspects have been sped up equally. Some aspects hit specific bottlenecks. Trades probably one of those.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Not sure if its just me, but now I get flashing lights between every action.  Even trying to play the light bulbs puzzle.  flashing lights for every light bulb placement for 2 or 3 seconds at least.  

Ping times to www are fairly consistent at 300ms, no dropped packets noted

Reply from bytes=32 time=307ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=307ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=300ms TTL=48

Not really playable for me, will try again later and let you know.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

every thing was quite fine again till that last update, less than a hour ago.

Flashing lights all the time

Every single action takes ages now, launching building, using a speed up,buying item, and flashing

hardly playable

even when sending units away, scoutring or else, you can't know if there are on or not as it needs ages to see it in unit panel

Edited 10 minutes later by . Reason: adding.
8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

constant lights, vip times not working. One member unable to login at all, has reloaded, changed password, all without success

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

same as the above: was working but now starts me with new hero and wants login again, even though I saved it. This time flashing lights for almost every action. 

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

After initial update 12 hours or so ago where a new hero was dropped....exited and then logged back in no problems after digging out password issues at that time...puzzles did appear to be faster......this evening we all got kicked out...the lag on pm and ac chat was awful (20-30secs) .....and the flashing lights after every action.... restarted the game entirely...only to have a new hero drop again! the lag time on pm and ac chat is still variable and i am EU based...if that helps - i wonder...when i close the game again will a new hero get dropped....

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

I'm based in Germany and cannot play either, flashing lights and delays...

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
Reply to

We have moved to a new more powerful server which is around 20x faster than the old one.

It is located in the Germany now (old one was in the US), therefore connection speed might be slightly different, depending on where in the world you are, however on average this should be faster for everyone.

We have also ported our server software from Windows to Linux which makes our server fees smaller and will future-proof our technology. Everything considered what happened today will allow this game run for another decade or so.

However, there may be bugs and some instability, so please excuse us for caused inconvinience. We will work hard to fix them promptly. If you have any trouble accessing the game, please explain your problems here in the comments.

Also, let us know if the game is faster or slower for you now and in which aspects.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

3-4 second pause with green and red lights in moving each piece  of a puzzle.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Same as the above: flashing lights, lag... no puzzles or anomalies tonight!

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

practically impossible to play with the blinking lights and lag. Los Angeles. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote

Reminds me of the good old days, 8 years ago. Yes there is a slight delay, but nothing like back in the beginning. Keep up the good work Berserker. 

8 months ago Quote
8 months ago Quote
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