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Starting Over After Being Destroyed Suggestion

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It is one thing losing your cities when you aren't very far into the game but losing everying after 109 days is a completely different matter.
I am not too bothered about having to rebuild again but I am extremely upset at losing my progress in the game and all the Precursor Bits, Hextor's portrait, etc and tools that I have gained so far, I think that is very unfair indeed.
My suggestion to Bers was that we be allowed to keep our complete inventory so all those hard earned items would still be with us and we could continue with the main game even though we had to rebuild our cities.
Bers replied ... "it is complicated, keeping precursor bits and other quest stuff only possible if we will keep quest locations in the same state as before the wipe, bvut that will also means you won't get reward from completeing all beginner quests again, etc"
My reply was that I would rather be able to carry on with my quests than restart them all over again ( especially all those bridges eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!! )
Bers suggested I start this thread and see what the rest of the players think so ...
who thinks it is a good idea to be able to restart after a wipe with your complete inventory  and forego any beginner rewards ... please add your name below ...
1. Centian

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Totally agree :)


7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I think Centian has made an excellent suggestion. 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Same there

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I understand this for destruction, but that is different then for a wipe.I would not like this to apply to a wipe, but it would be nice if a town is totally destroyed.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I think as long as the hero still exists in the players home page (whether they have a country or not) then anything they collect  should be still in their inventory (bag).

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I could see this being a good idea within an alpha, not for a wipe though

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

If a hero still exists, then so should all the items gained by that hero. It is unfair to make to have to go all through the quests etc again. I for one will not pay any more money if I have to start from scratch, I will just leave the game completely and find another game to play.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I totally agree cause there is no defense possible against the group attacks. Also consider a new truce system like once truce is applied only the attacks that are heading yr way will hit but after that your towns will be protected. That is what i have used in other wargames.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

i agreed. getting so far into the game and then being wiped out by forces beyond competing with. i think you should keep your progress and inventory. I can understand if you have only been playing a week or two but not 3+ months. 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

After completing the tutorial 3 or 4 times it gets VERY boring.  So after being defeated and have all you have worked for over that last couple of months to have to go thru the tutorial again is very discouraging.  It would be very nice to have your stuff back and just have to rebuild the structures.  Not having to lose everything that was learned and gained.    Being totally destroyed it is very disheartening to start over. It is different if you CHOOSE to start a new hero to go thru the tutorial and all the quests again.  There should be something that can be done to lessen the blow from total annihilation.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to

If a hero still exists, then so should all the items gained by that hero. It is unfair to make to have to go all through the quests etc again. I for one will not pay any more money if I have to start from scratch. All the items the hero collects takes hours and hours when you think about it so why punish them more by taking everything???? Group attacks should only be allowed to happen on towns that at least have a fighting chance of not losing completely everything for goodness sake.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I completely agree with Centian ( she meant being wiped out not wipe of alpha) . Going through a tutorial again and having to get everything all over is not enjoyable.  Since the achievements do not start over even at end of alpha I would think it would be possible to keep memory of inventory during the same alpha if hero has been wiped out. 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I agree that being able to hold onto progress after being destroyed during an alpha would help relieve a lot of tension, i do not see the harm in allowing players to keep their inventory.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Some time ago I suggested that someone wiped off the map be permitted to restart their hero at a tech level below that which they had reached before being attacked.  I wish I could find the post that contained that suggestion.

For a number of reasons Bers thought it was a bad idea at the time but perhaps some tweaking can be suggested.  I think the biggest complaint is having to start over from the tutorial forward and lose all the research time spent.  Allowing a player wiped off the map by attack to restart at a tech era one below where they were might alleviate some of the frustration.

For example , starting over in say, medieval, with a one cell town will take forever to get back up to speed.  It's bad enough founding a town in the higher eras when you have existing towns available to supply resources.  Without that I do not see the advantage to a player who was wiped in renaissance being permitted to drop onto the map somewhere a tech era below with the usual one celled domain.  The logistics may be hard to accomplish and if so then perhaps something else can be done.

Keeping inventory is a great start and idea.  BTW if you are about to be wiped off the map you could go into chaos to change to any other politic that does not have the protection for the dwelling so that your hero does not need to be deleted or wait to auto delete.  but that solution applies only for the usual inventory stuff not quest items.  :-/

Edited 4 minutes later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

When your hero is at 1 cell, whether after attacks or when you first start, I think the option of  'move this hero' would work. The attacked player could take all earned items with them and not have to redo the tutorial. The new player would not have to redo the tutorial. This would help with the placements that are now as close as 3 cells from other players.

Edited -1 second later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have one Hero ,have spent countless hours upon hours building my hero and domain, exploring, questing and more money than I care to on a fixed income (a very small fraction of what others pay) Being forced this Alpha into playing the part of the game that completely repulses me (I was never attacked in 10 mo. last alpha) I have done my best to defend myself and my alliance members ! Knowing at anytime I will be attacked for either my land or to build achievement points for someone and may be wiped out - I will not need the treasures, items etc. I have collected because I will not restart/rebuild my hero!  I can't believe in a day and age where they can make Microwaves into cameras ( FYI joke ) they can't make this game so someone like me does not have to deal with people who enjoy destroying innocent players! How about (since I note vast empty areas to the south and west of the map) Starting next alpha with Despots at the top and Collectives at the bottom of the map for example - Sorry if last part off point but had to add! (yes Despots I am whining)

Edited 19 minutes later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I like the idea of letting them keep their inventory. I understand it will be a problem for the developers, but this is the best idea to date, about helping a destroyed player to restart, but not having to restart everything again.

Most slow builders are more interested in their quests, then in other things. It is a good compromise. They get to keep what they value the most. And this doesn't harm other players at all.

Great idea Centian :)

Edited 2 minutes later by . Reason: editing words.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I know you all will hate this idea, but here goes. I think a dwelling should not be able to be wiped from the map. The secondary towns can, but not the dwelling. That way you still have all your goodies, the items you collected from the dens, dungeons and Anomaly's, the research, the puzzles, and items purchased in the market. You could still work the the victories, of which there are supposed to be 9.  Also that way you could do away with your politics, the dwelling would have the 300% defense and 30% attack. The secondary towns will have the 100% both attacking and defense. All a level playing field. So if you want to play safe you just have the dwelling, if you want to be brave build 2nd towns. Nothing is more disheartening then to see a player driven from the game, just because some alliance/hero decides you do not deserve to play. You can only get the dwelling so large, not an entire area, but enough to keep you entertained. If the neighbors want to grow around you fine, they do that already. No game for entertainment should cause tears and hurt feelings or financial distress.   

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I completely agree that a destroyed hero keepng their full inventory (including quest items) and not having to go through the whole tutorial again would be a very welcome change.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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