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[SPOILER] Survey to those who have beaten several Ruins

Several questions to those who have beaten at least couple of random ruins:

  1. How many ruins have you completed, state their names.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.
  3. How big/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which one you are talking about.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
  5. Have you found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
  9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
  10. How hard were the digging sequences?
  11. How hard were the hidden buttons?
  12. How hard were the puzzles?
  13. How hard were the holograms?
  14. Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?
  15. What was the overall feel of the ruins? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to dungeons and mines?
  16. What do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?
  17. How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
  18. State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
  1. How many ruins have you completed, state their names.
    - 2 Completed, Ruins of Better Moscow and Ruins of Shin Tokyo.  I have perhaps 2 uncompleted ones due to hitting a puzzle i could not solve.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.
    - Enemies, Digging Piles, Buttons, Holograms, Rock Puzzles, Mine Cart Puzzles, Special Locations
  3. How big/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, just
    right, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which one
    you are talking about.
    - The size of both is good, but due to the puzzle complexity, they can be very long.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
    - Not including secrets, the regular consumables including a figurine or 2 and  BP in chests
  5. Have you found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
    - Yes, found a number.  Perhaps 8 or so in all the ruins I have starated.
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
    - The secrets are the main reason i revisit these locations due to the reward size.  Large manuals, arithmometer, etc.
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
    - I have not found them all, but I do not look too hard given the small reward.  Perhaps this is somethiing you might reconsider :)  Tend to just get low level items, crystal, speaker horn, hor's hoe etc.
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
    - I did not find too many of these, but the ones I did are always usefull, perhaps 1 or 2 Fig and BP.
  9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
    - The Ancient monsters were very challenging, and I appreciated the addition.  Otherwise the monsters were all of same as before and of normal challenge.
  10. How hard were the digging sequences?
    - The digging sequence areas were hard for the larger ones, I had to resort to screenshots to remember where each switch was.
  11. How hard were the hidden buttons?
    - The hidden buttons were no harder then those in the Dungeons.
  12. How hard were the puzzles?
    - The moving Mine Cart and Rock Puzzles varied from easy to extremely difficult.  I have managed to complete all I have found so far, but some took a lot of revisiting.
  13. How hard were the holograms?
    - Again, ranged from Easy to Very Hard.  I had one with i think 13 peices, and this is one that i gave up on.
  14. Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?
    - I had the School and also I think it was a factory.  I thought they were great.  Engaging messages, hidden doors etc.  
  15. What was the overall feel of the ruins? How do they fit with the rest of
    the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did
    they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to dungeons and mines?
    - I think they fit well with the game.  I love the way they integrate via chests in anomolies, and look forward to seeing how all they codes come together and what they do.
  16. What do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?
    - Not there yet!  look forward to it.
  17. How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
    - Not there yet!  look forward to it.
  18. State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.
    - I would just like to suggest perhaps a way to bypass some puzzles as you can in the Caves by finding the hidden passageway..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to

  1. How many ruins have you completed, state their names.
    - 7 completed:  Madrid, Moscow, Lincoln, Toronto, Boryspil, Tokyo and Rogoziv
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.
    - Enemies, Digging Piles, Mines and Dungeons with buttons, Holograms, Rock and Cart Puzzles, Special Locations
  3. How big/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, just
    right, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which one
    you are talking about.
    - The size is right, even the big ones I didn’t bother, I liked them all
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
    - All kind of items, speedups, powerups, consumables, strategy items
  5. Have you found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
    - According to the achievement ‘There and Back Again’ : 14 secrets
  6. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
    - I haven’t found them all and I didn’t make an effort to find them all, it has no added value at least not for me.
  7. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
    - Actually I didn’t count them, but the overall feel was good, I found a lot of arithmometers (never got that many in existing locations)…very happy with it and also found some foe’s, BP’s and manuals.
  8. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
    - The monsters weren’t very hard (just as normal),  I didn’t come across the ancient monsters, unlike my alliance members…
  9. How hard were the hidden buttons?
    - The hidden buttons were a bit harder than the ones we are used to. Some were so small and I had 1 ruin which I revisited trice, couldn’t find the button in a mine…
  10. How hard were the puzzles?
    - The Rock and Chart Puzzles were extremely difficult in the beginning. I even made models (of the 6-8 rock puzzles), pushing lego blocks as rocks… in the end, with the help of the leaden disks and sending hero home, it was doable.
  11. How hard were the holograms?
    - some were easy others were a bit harder to solve, I am no fan of these puzzles, it is hard to recognize the patern.
  12. Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?
    - I had a Store (I am not sure) and a School.  I think they are awesome, love the action of search and discovery (like a classic adventure game). 
  13. What was the overall feel of the ruins? How do they fit with the rest of
    the game? What was your first impression when you explored them? Did
    they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compete to dungeons and mines?
    - The ruins fit very well into the game. First impression was, yes, a nice challenge to find your way through the ruins, looking inside for buttons, which opened doors outside, or the other way around… Can’t wait to restart my hero to experience how it all ends.
  14.  What do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?
    - Can’t say anything about that yet…
  15. How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
    - Can’t say anything about that yet...
  16. State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.
    - Although I encountered a lot of interesting things, unfortunately I found something very annoying, if you revisit a ruin then you can’t plant the flag somewhere, you have to go the same way through caves and tunnels (as the 1st time) to get e.g. to the end of that ruin…I would like to suggest to do the same here as in other locations with traps (once your hero solved the traps, you can plant the flag anywhere and your hero will automatically walk the safe route avoiding the spikes)
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to

  1. - Although I encountered a lot of interesting things, unfortunately I found something very annoying, if you revisit a ruin then you can’t plant the flag somewhere, you have to go the same way through caves and tunnels (as the 1st time) to get e.g. to the end of that ruin…I would like to suggest to do the same here as in other locations with traps (once your hero solved the traps, you can plant the flag anywhere and your hero will automatically walk the safe route avoiding the spikes)

I know this is annoying, but unfortunately the game's pathdfinding algorithm can only trance in one portal deep, making it trace through all sublocations would make the game lag :(

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

 Duplicated this page and spent a long time answering the questions fully.  Got interrupted but finished the survey - page timed out!  lost the lot!  In summary - fewer questions please.

Ruins are fantastic they vary enormously in time taken.  The hardest puzzle was the push/shove - some I solved with first attempt - others stumped me completely.

Completed 4 ruins Lincoln, Moscow, Shin Tokyo and Boryspil, and another 4 close to finishing.

Found secrets and tons of consumables,

Level 50 hero - so enemies were no problem

Especially loved the gadget - and that is could be used on other locations.

Loved the special zones - school and factory

Did not solve all the ruins, so no final ending for me for a long time as this hero dies today.

Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the Ruins.  Very much appreciated and lovely to be challenged again in the game that I have played for such a long time now.  Thank you :)

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
How many ruins have you completed, state their names.Boston, Moscow, Paris, London, Tokyo. working on Toronto (dragons) Madrid (stuck)
What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.All of above
How big/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, justright, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which oneyou are talking about.Boston was very short. Just enough to make me want to find the next one. None have been to long yet. Digging can be a pain, have learned to take pictures of each section with cell phone.
What kind of items have you found inside?regular inventory items. Items for use in the ruins.
Have you found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secretis indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"have found 14
If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?So far have not found any that are different than other sites. I like the challenge of looking. I look for gems but don't worry if I don't find all, most of the time prize is not worth the effort.
Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?Don't think I have found BP or figs, just the regular stuff
How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?Have dragons in Toronto, I usually do not fight dragons, not sure if I will try these ones.
How hard were the digging sequences?Got tedious after a while, I have no sense of direction so was lost a lot
How hard were the hidden buttons?Some were very well hidden, have to use computer magnify glass to see
How hard were the puzzles?Like all puzzles in TT, some are harder than others. Suggestion for train car/rock pushing one, an extra prize could be given if you do not use the lead disc, incentive to try and solve before using it.
How hard were the holograms?The longer ones were hard, had to leave and return out of frustration
Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?if you mean the ones behind behind book cases, then yes found those. Added interest.
What was the overall feel of the ruins? How do they fit with the rest ofthe game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Didthey felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compare to dungeons and mines?
They felt familiar, using the same backgrounds as other sites. I get lost easily, so spent a lot time trying to find my way aroundWhat do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
have not finished yet, might not because of dragons
State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.
I like how many different types of puzzles there are. I like how the story line is progressing.
Edited 7 minutes later by . Reason: trying to add spaces between sections and can not do.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Several questions to those who have beaten at least couple of random ruins:

  1. How many ruins have you completed, state their names
11: Boston, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, London, Toronto, Madrid, Lincoln, Boryspil, Rogoziv
  1. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.
All of these
  1. How big/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which one you are talking about.
I always like my quest locations long, so the longer ones (I think 9 sections?) were the best
  1. What kind of items have you found inside?
A lot of consumables
  1. Have you found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
  1. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
I like secrets very much, once you know how to look for them they are a great way to stock up on rare items
  1. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
In the shorter locations I miss a few only, but ruins are defo the worst for gems - because of the underground sections. Not only you need to go down, but the sections are not connected so you need to move your hero a lot - very bothersome, not worth it. In general, moving across ruins, for example when you visit the second time, is really difficult.
  1. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
Not sure if I found BP or FE apart from secrets, but I did find figs of teaching
  1. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
My worst were in the mines... ancient monsters. Pretty nasty!
  1. How hard were the digging sequences?
Very easy, but horribly annoying, definietely the worst. I also had a lot of them - in one of the longer ruins I had like 5 in a row, they are really boring. Maybe you can change the random drawing of sections, so that they are more mixed? Eg. when there were 2 of a kind in a row, the next is always different?
  1. How hard were the hidden buttons?
Took me some time to find the new ones (on top of rocks, etc.) but once I did, they were not very difficult.
  1. How hard were the puzzles?
I loved sokoban as a kid :))) so I really liked the idea, but they are sometimes unsolvable so it takes a lot of fun away. And they are, trust me, I've checked all possible moves and all were a dead end.
  1. How hard were the holograms?
I found them easy, I just clicked randomly and that always worked.
  1. Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?
Yes, I found a few... zoo, school, prison, some research area, a market/storage thing. They were unique so much more interesting than the regular sections, but I guess they will be less fun when I do them again with another hero. I liked that you could access some strange rooms, walk through holes in walls, etc. Took me some time to get privileged access so I had another run to access the closed rooms and that was fun too.
  1. What was the overall feel of the ruins? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to dungeons and mines?
I liked them, but they didn't feel so novel because they are composed of stuff that was already there. For this reason I found the unique sections the best. I don't think they resemble TT1... And my favs are still caves!
  1. What do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?
Well, I learned that Miss Verdanska did some nasty research first... But the overall story did not surprise me - it fit right along with the story from anomalies. The new part was that the "rebels" are actually the normal people of Teya. I was a bit disappointed with that warning dude, and his firends - saw them twice and then there was no continuation - who are they? I think I'm missing one ruins so maybe they will be there...?
  1. How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
Meh. Shoes that increase research (by 5% only, so not that much)... and don't even have the normal shoes property (increasing army speed). I could use them when hero is in town but otherwise they are pretty useless. Pity, because they look nice on the hero.
  1. State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.

Less digging sections please! And I still have some things I can't open - one wall like thing in zoo that looks like the walls that break after you finish ruin and crate doors in the 2 last ruins - with a place to put the iphone on but no terminal. If these are to be opened - great, I hope to find a way, but if these are just decoration - they are misleading.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
How many ruins have you completed, state their names.

Boston, Paris, London, Berlin and Tokyo

What have you found inside of them? Enemies, digging piles, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzles, etc.

All the above

Howbig/long did you felt the ruins were? Too big, too short, justright, etc. Different ruins have different size so state which oneyou are talking about.

They were just right lengths

What kind of items have you found inside?

Lots of consumables

Haveyou found secrets in the ruins? If so, how many of them? The secretis indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"

17 secrets found

If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?

Love finding secrets

What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?

Found quite a few but have not found them all in any ruin

Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?

Several of both as secrets

How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?

Most were regular types. Some I can't do yet because hero is too young.. Don't think I will ever do the Mystic Purple Dragons though !

How hard were the digging sequences?

Most are very hard for me. Had to use my phone to take pics of where the levers were to complete

How hard were the hidden buttons?

Once I figured out the triggers it was ok 

How hard were the puzzles?

Moving the carts and rocks can be tricky. The round discs help a lot 

How hard were the holograms?

I like these but honestly just random click until it works

Did you get the unique sections in ruins with a small story? Which ones? What do you think about those?

These are my favorite parts. Love finding secret passageways and reading the story line

What do you think about the conclusion of the ruins quest? Did you learn anything interesting in the end?

How do you like the final reward? What did you get?

Not there yet 

State any other things you have found interesting in the ruins, not mentioned specifically above.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

1 I have completed the 12 ruins with that hero, boston paris london berlin moscow tokyo madrid lincoln toronto boryspil rogoziv tbilisi

2 I met Enemies, digging piles, rooms with buttons, puzzles but not a single trap, see my other thread ( to answer me about that.

3 I felt it was long enough, but monsters part are a bit long and boring (what I liked about them though is the ton of science they game me, sometime I could make a whole tech in a few hours), and there is too much walking between the buttons rooms (and in the ruins at all)

6 The secrets I found were the same as in other locations so it wasn't very interesting, and I didn't want to do twice the same secrets in different ruins.

9 Enemies weren't hard because I was prepared for them since the beginning with that hero, and in fact I'm a bit sad that I only met ancient worms and scorpions at the end, I was prepared for dragons (and I wish they were even stronger or in pack of more than 8 because right now the outcome would be usually the same as against red/green dragons. If some people disagree with me and find them too hard already, just make them optional). It would have been interesting to compensate a low amount of sulfur by, making riflemen, commandos (more than 18 if wine available), dragoons, and why not blast them with information age anti-air guns.

17 At first, I didn't expect anything good since the reward in karfaree for finishing the caves is useless (but funny at least), then I saw here about those 5% science, so I first though that it still wasn't good because by the time you finish the ruins you already have 6 science perks and other science artifacts (maybe of the same slot as the artifact you get in fact) and if you play well and/or donate you have researched most of the tech tree already anyway, but then I though, maybe it could be a very good item to keep once you reach apocalypse/victory, but unfortunately it's a level 50 artifact so you would need to get level 25 first to equip it (and I don't know if it requires ages too) so that's quite disappointing. Someone here got boots, me it's using the chest slot.

18 Something a bit weird: usually, first ruins are the easiest, with the weakest monsters and easiest sokobans (some being ridiculously easy), but in the ruin I had with ancient monsters, then I had a very easy sokoban, I expected a hard one. Other than that, I wish you made something really new: holograms are like railroad game in towns, sokoban is already available on internet, buttons are already present in dungeons etc, while you made the steam puzzle in mines and the beacon puzzle in dungeons.

Edited 4 minutes later by Anonymous.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Having now finished the Ruins, I wanted to add some comments:

Final Story: I really enjoyed the story line and the way the ruins ended.  Nice work team.

  1. How do you like the final reward? What did you get?
    I was dissappointed with the reward given the effort.  1 godly artifact of what appears random and to me useless perks..  No Consumables or Experience.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

made the ruins and now a bit dissappointed. the reward is a joke or? completely usless :(

can't drag here an image :((

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote